Chapter 3

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I was at the gym with Becky the next day. I had gained quite a few friends already and I was excited to have my first match tonight. With all the hype I had gotten on Raw, WWE decided to move my debut up to Smack Down. "Congratulations on your debut last night," I heard a man's voice say as I finished up on the weights.

I turned around to see Roman Reigns standing there. "Thanks," I replied with a smile. I grabbed my bag and planned to go hit the punching bag for a bit but Roman stopped me.

"A bunch of us are going out tonight after Smack Down. You should come with," he said.

I smiled. This man was easy on the eyes. "I'd love to," I replied.

"Great! Meet me in the lobby after the show."

"Sounds like a date," I said with a wink as I walked away.


I stepped off the elevator and scanned the lobby. It didn't take me long to find Roman. I quickly walked up to him. "Hey," I said.

Roman turned around and greeted me with a smile. "You look amazing," he said as he grabbed my hand and led me to his rental car.

We pulled into the bar parking lot and exited the car. Roman opened the door to the bar for me and we were met by cheers and a large group of Superstars. Roman ordered us drinks and we sat at the bar talking for awhile until Dolph Ziggler pulled him away.

I finished up my drink and ordered another. "Can I get another Dr. Cherry and orange soda?" I asked the bartender.

"It use to be Jack and Coke," I heard from behind me. I didn't have to turn around to know who It was.

"People change," I responded as the person sat down next to me and ordered 2 jacks and cokes.

"Jon, I don't need you to buy my drinks for me now."

"I know but man were those some fun times. How many times did we get into Shenanigans before they figured out we were underage?"

I smiled as I thought back to the memories of when Jon and I were close but that was before he lied and left me to defend myself. "It had to be over a hundred," I responded with a small smile.

Just then Renee and Roman walked over to us. "Hey, I see you two have met," Roman said.

"Yeah, actually we go way back. Back to the Cincinnati days," Jon said. "How do you know her?"

Roman smiled as he put an arm around me. "She's my date, bro."
I seen a flicker of hate flash through Jon's eyes as Renee placed her hand on Jon's shoulder. "I never got the chance to properly introduce myself last night, I'm Renee, Dean's girlfriend," Renee said as she reached to shake my hand.

I looked at him. So that's why he had forgotten about me. He had found someone. I immediately developed a hate for Renee. I didn't shake her hand but instead I downed the Jack and Coke and grabbed Roman's hand as a slow song came on.

"so, you knew the younger Dean?" Roman asked.

"Yeah," I replied not really paying attention. I was watching Dean who was still sitting at the bar watching Roman and I. He wasn't even listening to Renee who I could tell was talking his ear off beside him. He was agitated, I could tell.

"Let me guess, you two had a fling?" Roman asked.

I laughed. "No. We were just friends. We kind of grew up together."

Roman seemed relieved. "ok, good. I know what Dean was like before he met Renee."

This caught my interest. "Is he different with Renee? How long have they been together?"

"a little over a year and yeah, he don't usually get to come out to stuff like this now that he is with her."

Roman seemed a little hurt that he didn't get to hang out with his buddy much anymore. I smiled up at him. I had to change the topic. "Thank you for inviting me out tonight. This is fun and I think we should do this again."
Roman smiled down at me before he slowly leaned in to kiss me. However, it wasn't long before he was ripped away from me. I opened my eyes to see Jon on top of Roman punching him...


I watched as Roman and Kimber danced. It really irked me that she was out with my best friend. If he hurt her, so help me, I would kill him. Brother or not. Kimber and I had a history that was pretty similar. That's why we had clicked and vowed to stay friends for life but now it seemed Kimber didn't care about that.

I watched as Kimber looked up at Roman with those big hazel eyes. Roman leaned down and kissed her. I don't know how I had made it over to them so quickly but all I knew was Roman couldn't kiss my best friend like that. Not on a first date, not ever.
I heard people scream and try to pull me off but I couldn't stop. I felt a hand wrap around my wrist as I went to take another swing and looked up to see those same hazel eyes glaring into mine. "Outside. now!" Kimber demanded as she let go of my hand and pushed me to the door.

Once we were outside in the alley I began pacing. My adrenaline was too high and I threw a punch at the wall. "What the hell was that, Jon?" Kimber demanded.

I picked my lips as I looked her up and down. I had to admit, the years had done her well. She was fit and her black skin tight jeans and white tank top fit her curves perfectly. "He shouldn't be kissing you," I replied.

"Jon, we are not 16 anymore. I can take care of myself now."

"Oh really, what about that one time in the alley behind Shenanigans? You couldn't take care of yourself then could you? You needed dear Jon here to come to your rescue!"

I knew I hit a nerve. It was a moment we had sworn to never talk about again but I was fired up at the moment and had no control of my mouth. I guess that's why I deserved the slap across the face that I received next.

"We swore never to talk about that night again but then again you like breaking promises don't you Jon?"
I rubbed my cheek that was still hot from her slap and looked at her in confusion. "What are you talking about, Kimber?"

"You know Damn well what I am talking about. I'm talking about how you left me in that horrible foster home at the age of 16 and how you promised me you would come back for me once you got established and look at you now. You're well established and you never came back for me. No! You went and found yourself a little crumpet instead of keeping your promise to the only person who ever believed in you back then..."

I cut her off. I don't know what came over me or possessed me to do what I did next but I grabbed her face between my hands, smashed her back against the wall and kissed her. I kissed her like I had never kissed any other woman before her. I felt my stomach start to do flops and my heart started skipping beats. My palms became sweaty and my knees became weak.

I slowly pulled away and leaned my forehead against hers as we both tried to catch our breath. We stayed there like that for a few minutes just staring into each other's eyes. "I'm sorry for leaving you, Kimber," I finally said.

"I need to go, Jon," Kimber said as we heard the front door to the bar open and Roman calling her name.

She pushed me aside and walked away. I watched her get in the car with Roman and drive away. I was wrong in leaving her in that hell hole. I had thought of asking her to come with me when I left but I was hoping if she stayed away from me that maybe she would have a good life. I must have been wrong. Something must have happened after I left to change her into the hard strong woman that she is now.

What she didn't know is that I had left her there for a reason. I knew what I was doing could be dangerous and I didn't want her to end up getting hurt. You see, when I was a young 16 year old boy, I had a foolish dream that I would go make a name for myself and come back to the woman I loved. I would be able to give her everything she had ever wanted, but when I had gone back for her, it was too late. I couldn't find her. She had fled. Just like me. And now her She was working for the same company as me, in the same city as me, and I still couldn't bring myself to tell her how much I actually loved her....

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