Chapter 12

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I drove back to the bar. It was a little after bar close and I knew he would probably be the only one left. I pulled in the parking lot and watched and waited for Greg to come out. After 20 minutes I seen him exit the building and lock the door behind him. I smiled devilishly to myself as I watched him make his way to his car.

I didn't know what Kimber had seen in him? Sure he was tall and muscular but he was covered in tattoos and piercings. I thought Kimber hated that kind of look. I quietly exited my car and walked over to him.

I tapped him on the shoulder and when he turned around I hit him so hard he stumbled back. "What the hell was that for?" Greg asked.

I glared at him as I felt the adrenaline flow through me. "Kimber," was all I said as I swung again.

I connected and watched him stumble back into his car door. "you must be Dean that the pretty blonde was telling me about? But Dean isn't your real name is it, Jonathan?" Greg said.
I was taken back by how he knew me. Sure I grew up here but I had never met this guy before. Cincinnati is big city after all. "I know all about you. You're the reason Kimber left me and put up such a fight. I don't know what she ever say in you. You left her broken hearted after all and I could have given her everything if she would have just forgotten about you," Greg said as he shoved me back.

I was still in shock that he knew about me and was caught off guard as he shoved me, making me fall backwards on the ground. It wasn't long before he was on me, hitting me. I could feel my blood pouring out of unknown places.

I quickly gained my composure and flipped him to the ground and began hitting him. It went back and forth like that for few minutes until I was suddenly being ripped away from him. I looked at the person holding me and realized it was a cop. I felt the cold steel handcuffs around my wrists and watched as another officer cuffed Greg.

As the officer hauled me to his car, I turned and yelled over my shoulder, "stay away from Kimber or you'll regret it you dirty piece of trash."

Greg fought to get out of the other officer's hold while the one that had me put me in the back of his car. He shut the door as I heard Greg yelling profanities at me. I grinned to myself as we headed to the station. I think he got the hint that Kimber was mine and I would kill anyone who tried to hurt her or get in my way...


I heard my phone buzzing on the night stand. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the caller id. It was an unknown number. Usually I didn't answer these but something told me I should. "Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, Roman, it's Dean. I don't have long but I need you to pick me up and don't tell Kimber," I heard Dean say.

"ok...where are you?"

"The jail."

"What! Dean what did you do?" I felt the body lying next to me stir.

"Just pick me up and don't tell Kimber."

The line went dead. I set my phone down and ran a hand over my face. I hadn't gotten a call from Dean like this in a long time. It had to be something bad that he did. I grabbed my clothes and began pulling them on as the woman in my bed say up. "Where are you going? Its only 3:30 am?" came her sweet Irish voice.

I smiled and leaned down to kiss her after I pulled my shirt over my head. "I have to go rescue Dean but don't let Kimber know. I'll be back soon, Becky," I said as I headed out the door. Dean was going to owe me one for this...


I yawned and looked at the clock. 4:17 a.m. I stretched only to realize that Jon wasn't next to me. I sat up quickly and looked around the room. It was dark and quiet. There wasn't a light coming from the bathroom so he wasn't in there. I began to panic. Did he leave me again?

No, he wouldn't do that now. He was in love with me. But where had he gone? I quickly flipped on the light next to the bed and looked around the room for some sign as to where he had gone. My eyes slowly rested on the note on his pillow.

I picked it up with shaky hands and read it.


I know you're going to be worried if you wake up and I'm not beside you so I left this note and if you're still asleep when I get back well I guess you will never know. I'm going to take care of something. Just know that Greg won't ever hurt you again. I promise.


I quickly grabbed my phone and called Jon. No answer. I called again but again no answer. I began to panic even more. He obviously went to see Greg but where was he now?

I jumped out of bed and ran to Becky's room. I knocked on the door until she answered. Once she did I rushed past her. "Becky, I think something horrible happened to Jon. He's gone and I don't know how long he has been gone or where exactly he is. Becky what do I do?" I said as panicked.

Becky sat down on her bed. "Ok, first off, Kimber, calm down. Second, Roman went to pick him up," she said.

"Pick him up? From where?"

"I'm not supposed to tell you but your my best friend so I'm going to tell you anyways plus it's 4:30 in the morning and I'm not ready for you to scream at me. Dean was in jail."

I was about to respond when the door opened and in walked Jon and Roman. At first I was excited that he was back and I ran to hug Jon but then I became angry. How dare he leave like that? He could have been killed! I knew what Greg was like and by the looks of things that Greg got a few good hits in. I slapped Jon across the face. "Ow! What was that for?" he asked.

"That's for leaving me and trying to get yourself killed!" I yelled.

"I wasn't trying to get myself killed. I was trying to send a warning to Greg to leave you alone now!"

"If it's anything, Kimber, Greg looks ten times worse than Dean," Roman added. Jon smirked and I shot Roman a death glare to make him shut up.

I grabbed Jon's hand and quietly walked back to our hotel room. Ok, I may have dragged Jon back to the hotel room. I wasn't in a very happy mood. Once we got there and the door shut I rounded on Jon. "What the hell were you thinking? Do you realize that now Greg is going to come at us in full force? You don't know him like I do. You just gave him a reason to fight and quite frankly I'm worried now. You should have talked to me about this first," I half yelled.

Jon looked at me and I could see in his baby blue eyes that he was sorry. He stepped closer and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'm sorry. I was trying to help. I don't want you scared of him. I'm going to protect you. I finally have you back and I'm sinking my claws in and never letting you go, Kimber," Jon said.

He kissed me softly, making my knees go weak before he slowly pulled away and rested his head against mine.
"Let's clean you up, Jon. You're getting blood in my hair," I said as I led him to the bathroom to clean his cuts...

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