Chapter 19

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Today was the day. I looked around the small hospital room and became excited. Today was the day that I got to go home. Jon had stepped out so he could get a flight scheduled for us. He insisted on taking me back to his place in Vegas. I didn't care though. With everything that I had been through the past couple of months, I was more than happy to be able to spend time with Jon. He had asked for some time off from WWE and planned on staying with me at his place for awhile.

Jon walked back into the room and I smiled up at him. "Every thing is all set. We just have to wait for the doc to clear you and we can leave," Jon said as he took up his regular position in the chair next to my bed.

"I love you, you know that right?" I said with a smile.

Jon smiled back at me. "you've only been telling me that every minute of every day since you woke up a week ago. When will the doc be back?"

"Any minute. I can't wait to get out of here."

Job smiled and leaned across to me, missing me gently on the head. "I know, princess. Soon," Jon said as the doctor walked into the room...


I stepped out of the airport and soaked in the warm sun of Vegas. It was amazing here. Jon hailed a taxi and we quickly climbed in. I was mesmerized by the sights. I had only been to Vegas once and never had the opportunity to sight see. "What made you choose Vegas?" I asked Jon.

He smiled at me. "the lifestyle. To be honest, when I first chose this place it fit my lifestyle at the time. I was living a life of partying and lots of women. But it never quite clenched what I really wanted the whole time," he replied.

I glanced back out the window. "And what was it that you wanted?"

"You," he said as the driver pulled up in front of a very fancy looking house.

I was surprised not only by his comment but by his house. It was huge and nothing like what I thought Jon would live in. I stared in awe as Job got our bags. "Do you like it?" he asked as he led me inside.

The inside was even more grand than the outside. The walls were a rich cream color and had a beautiful winding staircase to the second floor giving it an old school charm. "it's beautiful Jon but I honestly never thought you'd have such a fancy house," I stated.

"Yeah, well, when you have nothing better to do with your money, you buy the best house ever," he said like it was nothing.

I laughed. "It makes me a bit embarrassed about my place back in New York. It is nothing compared to this."

Jon wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in as he gave me a quick and gentle kiss. "No need to be embarrassed. We both started at the bottom and look how far we have come. Besides, my place is your place."

I smiled up at him before he led me up the stairs to his room. I took in all the beauty of his house and how lucky I felt to be here. Jon left me in his room to unpack my things as he took a phone call from WWE. I opened the set of double doors and quickly found the walk in closet where Jon had said I could put my things. I walked around in there, running my hand gently over his clothes until a picture in the corner caught my eye.

I walked over to it and picked it up. I ran my hand over the cheap frame and smiled. It was a picture of Jon and I when we were 14. I had bought the frame with some babysitting money from a thrift store. I was in awe that he had kept it all these years. I gently sat it down and returned to the bedroom to grab my bags.

As I picked up my duffle bag I froze. I heard footsteps in the hall. I didn't know why but I began to panic as I remembered the sound of Greg's steps sounding on the floor above me in the house. Did he come back to find me? Where was Jon? He was supposed to protect me. Oh no! Greg must have found out that I had been saved and came here to finish the job.

I felt panic sweep through me but I couldn't move. I was rooted to the spot as the door knob began to turn slowly. Do I scream? I'm sure Jon would hear me and come to my rescue but what if Jon was too late? Do I run and hide? I scanned the room for a possible hiding place as the door slowly opened. "Kimber?"

I let out a sigh of relief as I was met with Jon's sweet baby blue eyes. I quickly dropped my bag and ran to him, enveloping him in a very tight hug. "I love you," I said for the millionth time.

Jon quickly hugged me back. "I love you too. Are you ok, Kimber?"

I pulled back and blushed slightly. My earlier thoughts were ridiculous and if I told him about my fear he would certainly laugh at me. "I'm fine. You just startled me a bit," I replied pulling away with a shrug. "so what are our plans for tonight?"

Jon shrugged and sat down on the bed. "Anything you want, sweetheart," he replied.

I smiled as I began unpacking my things. I knew what I wanted to do. What does any grown adult want to do in Vegas?

** hey sorry this one is so short. I couldn't figure out how to switch from the hospital to Vegas. Anyways, check out my new story makeshift love!**

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