Chapter 11

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I couldn't believe I had seen him. I had been running from him for years and then bam he shows up and ruins everything. I had come to the one place that I had ever felt safe in this city. The gym where I held a huge stake in. The new equipment and scholarships were all thanks to me. I had spent the last 10 years fixing this place up from a far. Something that Jon didn't know was that I didn't just grant scholarships, I owned this gym. Shortly after my divorce, the old man that ran this place died. I was able to buy it fairly cheap from his son who wanted nothing to do with the place. I then began to slowly fix it up and had hired a manager to look after the place. In fact, it was one of Jon's old friends that I had hired, Troy.

I ran my hand along the ropes and sat down on the edge of the ring. How could this happen? How did I ever let this man control me for so long? Why did I even come back to this city in the first place? I had thought I was safe. I thought Greg would still be behind bars but no. He was out and I knew my perfect life would soon be over. Greg was mad at me for putting him away but I had every right to.

I felt someone sit next to me on the edge of the ring and I looked over to see the most beautiful blue eyes. No wonder why Renee was so hooked on him, those eyes just made your insides melt.

"I've been looking every where for you, Kimber. What did that man do to you?" Jon said calmly.

I wasn't sure if I was ready to tell Jon what happened. I knew if I did, he would go after Greg and I really didn't want him to get hurt but sighed and told him anyway. Jon had always been my protector so why wouldn't be protect me now?

"A couple months after you left, I met Greg. We started out as friends. He was there when you weren't and when I realized you weren't coming back, we began dating. Everything was great and we got married like you know. A week after our wedding though, he changed. He began drinking, a lot. I was forced to work and basically do everything and after a month he began to hit me. I let him hit me for over a year. When I finally had enough and called the cops, he threatened me. He told me he would find me even if I ran and that next time I wouldn't escape no matter who got in his way. So I divorced him and left. I haven't been back since then and now that I am, I'm even more scared than I was then," I finished.

Jon wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. I laid my head on his shoulder as a few tears ran down my cheek. "I'm so sorry, Kimber. I never should have left you. I should have taken you with me when I had the chance and don't worry about Greg. I'm with you now and I swear to you that I won't let him hurt you ever again. You deserve so much better than that," Jon replied.

I smiled up at him as he leaned down and kissed me. The truth was, being in Jon's arms made me realize that for the first time in years I actually did feel safe. I knew Jon would never let anyone hurt me.

I pulled away and smiled at him. "Thank you, Jon," I said as I stared into his piercing blue eyes.

Jon smiled back at me. "anything, Kimber. I would do anything for you," he whispered.

I kissed him again. I was in love with this man. He was perfect and even though we had spent many years apart, he was perfect for me still.

We pulled a part and I smirked at him. "Well, I guess you can see my gym now," I said as I hopped off the ring and grabbed his hand.

"Wait. Did you just say your gym?" he asked as he followed.

I smirked back at him. "Yes. The old man died when I was 19 and his son didn't want the place so I bought it from him for cheap and turned it into one of the top gyms in Cincinnati."

Jon looked at me in shock. "why didn't you tell me that earlier?"

"it was supposed to be a surprise."

"well, I'm surprised alright."

I laughed as I showed Jon all the improvements I had made on the place...


I smiled as I looked at the sleeping woman next to me. I marveled in her beauty and the fact that I had some how managed to get her back in my life. After she showed me around the gym, we had come back to the hotel and made love. Now she was sleeping peacefully.

I smiled to myself as the memories of our love making replayed in my head. God I loved the way she moaned my name and that's just it, I was still Jon to her. Everyone else called me Dean but I was her Jon and I planned to always be here.

I slowly moved from the bed and scribbled down a note for Kimber. I placed it on my pillow before I grabbed my jacket and keys. I couldn't let Kimber know where I was going or she would stop me but I'm still the overprotective man I was of her back when we were younger and I was going to make sure that Greg didn't hurt her again.

I remembered the last time I had gone into overprotective mood for Kimber. It was a few months before I left to train for wrestling and I was more than happy that my warning had worked.


"So are you and Kimber dating yet?" Troy asked as we walked home from detention.

Troy was my best friend besides Kimber. We had been in two foster homes together including the one we were currently walking to. "No, why would you even ask that? We are friends," I replied.

Sure Kimber was beautiful and funny and smart but those are all reasons why she wouldn't want to get stuck with me. Although, I wouldn't have minded her being my girlfriend, I knew she wouldn't. She deserved so much better. "Well, I was thinking of asking her out, or at least to the prom," Troy replied.

I don't know what came over me but I had shoved Troy against the brick wall of one of the buildings. "You're not taking Kimber to anything! You leave her alone or your going to regret it. She's mine! No one else's!" I yelled as I had Troy pinned with my arm across his throat.

Troy put his hands up as if to say he was innocent. "Its just one simple date, Jon, and if your not going to ask her then why can't I?" he demanded.

I pushed him a little harder. "I said she's mine and I know what you want her for. Its not going to happen! I will kill you if you ever touch her!"

Troy finally shoved me away and glared at me. "Fine, Jon! But if you want Kimber to be yours, you better step up to the plate and do something about it. You can't keep her locked away from everyone forever," Troy said before he walked away.


I never talked to Troy again after that but he left Kimber alone. And I would make sure that Greg does too. If anything, I've gotten crazier over the years, I thought as I climbed in my rental and left the hotel parking lot...

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