Chapter 15

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A week had gone by and I hadn’t gotten any more strange calls or creepy texts. I was more than ok with that. Maybe Greg has forgotten me. I was really hoping that was the case and not that he was planning something.

I smiled at Renee as I walked up to her to do a segment. We were at the taping for Smack Down. I read through my lines a few times before we did our segment. Once it was over, I started heading towards catering to meet Jon but Renee stopped me. We had actually been getting along pretty good lately. I was still a bit iffy about her but since our talk, she hadn’t given me a reason to doubt she was telling the truth about wanting to be civil.

“Kimber, a bunch of us girls are going out for a few cocktails after we are done, do you want to come?” Renee asked.

I smiled. This wasn’t the only time we had hung out recently and I wasn’t going to lie, it was kind of nice having more than just Becky to do stuff with. “Sure, I’d love to,” I replied.

Renee smiled up at me. “Yay! I will text you the details. Oh, and it’s a girls only night. So tell Jon he has to stay in,” Renee said with a smile.

I laughed at our little inside joke. Jon had been overly protective of me lately and would hardly let me leave his sight. Renee and I had went for coffee the other day and he had even followed us! We had teased him so bad about it but I knew why he was doing it. He wanted to make sure that Greg didn’t suddenly pop up.

“Don’t worry, Renee, I think he was supposed to go out with some of the guys. Guess the guys are jealous us women get a girls night,” I laughed before I walked away.

I found Jon sitting at a table in catering with Becky and Roman. I sat down after grabbing some food and a water. “Becky, the girls are going out tonight, you coming?” I asked.

Jon’s head quickly popped up. “I thought you were staying in tonight?” he asked before Becky could reply.

I shot him a glare before I replied. I understand that he is worried about me but this was getting a bit ridiculous. He wouldn’t let me go anywhere without him and I was starting to feel too confined just like I had with Greg. Except without the abuse. “I’m not going to stay locked in my room all night while you get to go out and have fun,” I replied.

Jon glared at me. He knew that I knew why he was acting like this. “I just want to make sure you’re safe. Where are you guys going?”

“I don’t know. Renee hasn’t told me yet and what if I don’t want you to come?”

“I’ll come with, Kimber. I think it’s a bexcellent idea and then Jon don’t have to worry,” Becky chimed in. (If you get what I did there, then you’re awesome!)

“See, Jon, there’s nothing to worry about. You go out and have fun and I will too.”

Jon leaned back in his chair. I could tell he still wasn’t keen on the idea but I didn’t want to be locked in a room forever. Plus, there was a large group of us going so Greg wouldn’t be able to try anything. Jon was just going to have to deal with it.


“Where in the hell is Renee?” Naomi asked me.

We had been at the bar for about 45 minutes now with no sign of Renee yet. It had me a little nervous as to why she was so late. Maybe it was all a set up.

Just then my phone began to ring. I seen it was Renee and I quickly answered it. “Where are you? Every one is asking for you,” I said as I answered it.

“Ugh, my cab was late but I’m pulling up now,”  Renee said as she hung up.

I stepped outside just as her cab was pulling up. I smiled at her as she began to get out of the cab but the smile quickly faded as I felt a hand over my mouth and I was dragged into the alley beside the bar. I watched as Renee’s face change from confusion to realization but then everything went black….

* Hey guys! Sorry this one is short but I wanted to give you an update. I'm also going to do some spinoffs of this story but with different superstars. My next one will be about Seth Rollins called Davenport's Finest. If there are any superstars or divas that you would like, leave me a comment. Thanks!*

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