Chapter 4

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I grabbed the ice pack and handed it to Roman. I had gone back with him to help him get cleaned up after Jon's little stunt. Roman took the ice and placed it on his lip. "I'm sorry about Jon," I said.

Roman laughed. "Its not your fault. Are you sure you guys were just friends?"

I was shocked. "Of course, why?"

"The look on his face when he hit me was one of a jealous boyfriend."

I was a bit taken back by this. Jon and I had always been just friends. I had wanted more but I had never told him that. That's why I was so hurt when he left and never came back. He had been my first kiss, my first love, my protector in a horrible crazy world but I had meant nothing to him. I thought back to the kiss he had given me tonight. He had gotten much better over the years or it was the fact that his touch still made me weak. I smiled at Roman. "He was my protector when we were younger. He must have just went back to the old days when you kissed me," I said.

"I think he might like you more than that, Kimber."

I laughed. "Yeah, right. I better go so you can get some rest. I'll check on you in the morning."

I got up and quickly left Roman's room. I walked down the hallway and when I rounded the corner I seen someone standing outside my door. I walked past him and opened my door. He followed me in. I tossed my key card on the night stand and turned to look at the man standing in my room. "What do you want, Jon?" I asked.

"Is Roman ok?" he asked.

He seemed calm now but I still didn't want to deal with him yet. "He is fine. He thinks that you like me and that we dated when we were younger."

"What did you tell him?"

"I told him the truth. That we were just friends but do just friends kiss each other when one of them has a girlfriend?" I raised my eyebrows as I folded my arms over my chest.

Jon ran a hand through his hair. "Did you tell him we kissed?"

"No but you didn't answer me, Jon, why did you kiss me?"

"I...I don't know but Renee can't find out."

"Oh so you don't want your precious little princess to get hurt, huh? Maybe you should have thought about that before you decided to kiss me? Do you think I wanted you to kiss me? Cuz I didn't, Jon. After what you did to me, I don't want anything to do with you."

My words held venom in them and I meant it. I had learned to not let anyone to get close again, and I knew that if Jon kept coming around, he would get close again. I couldn't risk him hurting me and leaving again.

Jon looked hurt. "I understand that I hurt you but you don't understand why I left, Kimber, and you seemed to enjoy the kiss just as much as I did."

I hated his cocky attitude. He had this attitude when we were kids and it got us into so much trouble. I walked closer to him and slapped him across the face. I could feel our anger brewing in the room. Jon's head snapped back to mine and our eyes met in a state off. "What happened to you, Kimber? You're different now."

I just glared into his baby blue eyes. "You would know if you would have come back. It's your fault I changed. When I needed you the most, you were gone. You left me in that hell hole of a foster home with no one to watch out for me or to come to my rescue so I had to rescue myself. I'm not a damsel in distress anymore, Jon! I don't need you to save me anymore!"

Jon glared at me and began to run his shoulder in that agitated way that he does. "You don't think I came back? I did, Kimber, but you were already gone. I didn't forget you but it didn't take you long to forget about me now did it, Mrs. Valentine?"

I was shocked. How did he know I had gotten married when I was 18? No one knew about that. "How do you know about that?"

"I did come back, Kimber. Just like I said I would. I showed up on the day of your wedding and your darling husband made it very clear that I needed to stay away. When I seen you smiling at the end of that aisle as you looked into another man's eyes, I knew I was too late. I tried, Kimber and you can hate me all you want for it but all I ever wanted was for you to be happy!"

I quickly closed the distance between us and wrapped my arms around his neck. I don't know why but I kissed him. I kissed him with such passion that I was sure my heart was going to burst. I never wanted that marriage but my foster parents forced it on me. It didn't take me long to find out what Greg Valentine was like and once I was finally able to put him in jail, I divorced him and left Cincinnati.

I felt Jon's hands begin to roam up my shirt. The kiss was becoming more heated by the second and no matter how long I had been waiting for this moment, I knew we couldn't continue. Too much had happened in our past and in the past 10 plus years for us to continue where we had left off.

I slowly pushed Jon away but he wouldn't break his hold on my waist. "I'm sorry, Jon. Too much had happened since we were 16 plus you have a girlfriend. I'm not a homewrecker," I said breathlessly.

Jon looked at me and searched my eyes. "Kimber, you can't tell me that you don't want this. I will leave Renee in a heartbeat if it means I can be with you again," he said.

I pulled out of Jon's arms and turned away. "I think it's best if you leave, Jon, and if you leave me alone from now on."

My heart hurt telling him to leave. I wanted nothing more than for him to stay but I couldn't do that. I heard Jon sigh and the door open. "Kimber, you can tell me to leave but I'm not staying away. I just got you back and I'm not letting you slip through my fingers again," Jon said before he closed the door.

I sighed and fell on my bed. For the first time in years I cried. I cried and cried until I couldn't cry another tear. I loved Jon. I always had, since the first day we met at a foster home when we were 13...


I walked into the home. It was a nice home but I was too scared to notice any of the details. My dad had just gone to prison after he had killed my mom and I was placed in the system. The foster parents showed me my room and left me to unpack my stuff. I sat on the bed and stared at the white walls. Everything had happened so fast. My perfect world had been crushed and now in was left all alone.

I heard kiss coming up the steps and a voice suddenly in my doorway. "Are you the new girl?"

I looked up to be met with baby blue eyes and Sandy blonde hair. I nodded at him but quickly turned away as tears began to fall. I felt an arm around my shoulder and someone sit down on my bed. "Don't cry. If you cry in places like this they will eat you alive," the boy said.

I wiped my tears and looked at him. "What do I do then?"

"Hide it. Hold it in. It makes you stronger. I've been in here for 2 years, I know," the boy smirked at me and I instantly fell in love.

"My name is Kimber," I said shyly.

"Mine is Jon. And don't worry, if you stick with me, you'll make it out of here just fine," the boy said before he began helping me unpack.


From that day on we were inseparable, even when Jon and I got moved to separate homes, we would always meet up after school and on weekends. When I look back now, I realize Jon wasn't always a good influence on me. We got into trouble a lot which would result in another home taking us in but he was my light in a tunnel of darkness. Oh, how I have missed you, Jon...

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