Chapter 9

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I pulled the blankets off of Jon, trying to wake him up. We had made plans to go see our old stomping grounds together today before we both did some interviews since we were in our hometown. The only problem was that Jon was hard as hell to wake up. I took in his sexy body with all of his muscles in all the right places and that ass of his was just perfect.

I giggled as I looked at him. I was acting like a love sick teenage girl. My thoughts were suddenly put on the back burner when Jon grabbed me and threw me over him into the bed. "I seen you staring," he said with a smirk as he leaned over me.

I was in shock at how fast he moved that I didn't know how to respond at first. "I...I couldn't help it," I said.

"I know. I'm gorgeous," he responded before he gave me a quick kiss.

"you need to get dressed," I said once he pulled away.

"Why? You seem to like me in this form."

I blushed. "Jon, get dressed. We have lots to do today," I replied as I rolled out of bed.

I didn't hear him moving to follow me so I slowly turned around. There sat Jon with his ummm everything in view, giving me the puppy dog eyes. "Jon! Get dressed," I said as I blushed and turned away.

"I believe you had wanted me to take it off last night."

I blushed again before I tossed him some clothes and walked into the bathroom to finish getting ready...


Jon and I walked our old streets, hand in hand, getting stopped every now and then to sign something or take a picture. I was impressed with how well Jon was with his fans. You could tell that he really enjoyed what he did.

We turned down another street and both stopped in front of the big green house before us. This was the place where I thought my life had fallen apart but was also where I had found the best thing to ever happen to me. This is where I met Jon.

We both stood there in silence taking in the house that had made such a difference in our lives. The green paint was fading and peeling in spots and a few of the shutters had fallen off. The grass was long and needed to be mowed and the white picket fence surrounding the house was in desperate need of a paint job. It didn't look as heavenly as it had back then. I remembered how fresh the paint was back then and us kids would get privileges if we had kept the grass mowed.

I suddenly had an idea. There was a place I wanted to show Jon that he would be shocked by its looks and how well it is doing. I grabbed his hand and turned him to face me. "Jon, I want to show you something," I said as I began pulling him down the street.

After about 15 minutes of walking, I stopped in front of a building. "This is what I want to show you," I said.

Jon looked at the building and studied it for a few minutes before he turned back to me. "Is this the gym that I took you to?" be asked.

I smiled up at him sheepishly. "Yes, and it's still in business. In fact it's doing very well and even has an after school program for kids that want to try wrestling. They give out scholarships to kids that can't afford to come here and wrestle," I said as I watched a group of guys walk out the front doors.

Jon spun me around so I was facing him. "How do you know that? I thought you said you never come back here?" he asked.

I smiled up at him. "I don't but I've become friends with the owner and the building holds special memories to me," I replied.

Jon looked at the building and then looked back at me, realization setting in. "You sponsor the kids that can't afford it, don't you?"

I smiled. It was the only accomplishment in my life that meant more to me than being in WWE. I was giving other kids a chance to become great and I was getting them off of the streets that could treat you so horribly bad here. "Yes. It started out as me just sponsoring one or two kids but then as I began making more money I began sponsoring more. I think I'm up to 7 kids I sponsor now."

Jon looked at me in shock then he smiled at me. "Lets go in. I want to see what it's like inside," Jon said as he began to cross the street.

I pulled his hand back. "Jon, we can't. We both have interviews in an hour."


"So, if you want to keep your job and keep doing what you're doing then we need to go," I laughed as he gave in.

We headed back to the hotel so we could get ready. I looked over at Jon and smiled. This was the first time I had come back here since I had gotten divorced but I was more than happy to be here with the man that had similar experiences here and that cared about me like no one else had...


There was so much I had missed out on with Kimber over the past 13 years, like the fact she has been helping children that were just like us at one time develop a love for wrestling. I smiled to myself at the fun we had this afternoon and how strange it felt being back in our old town, looking at all the buildings that had helped build and shape us. It was an incredible feeling knowing that we had both escaped.

I walked into the cafeteria and quickly found Kimber talking with a group of Divas and Superstars. I walked over. I received a round of greetings from everyone before I asked what they were talking about. Roman looked at me and answered, "we were all talking about going out tonight. Kimber said she wasn't sure if you would want to. What do you say?"

I looked at Kimber and could tell she was uneasy but I knew she would enjoy it plus I would be with. I have her a reassuring smile before I agreed. Everyone went their separate ways since we were almost done filming and agreed to meet up later at the hotel.

I took Kimber's hand as we walked down the hallway to my locker room. When we were almost there and no one was around, Kimber pulled me behind some of the crates. "Why did you agree that we would go?" Kimber asked.

I could see a hint of fear in her eyes which was making me feel nervous. "Why? It will be fun, Kimber. Remember how much fun we use to have going out," I said it seductively as I pressed her back against the wall.

As I leaned in to kiss her, Kimber turned her head away. She never denied me like that before. I pulled away and looked at her. Something was very wrong. "Jon, they want to go to Shenanigans. I guess the bar is like the hot spot in town now with a new owner. Jon, I haven't been back there since that night," Kimber whispered the last bit.

I pulled her head into my hands so she would look at me. "Kimber, I promise you, everything will be fine. I won't let anyone hurt you, I swear it. Just trust me, ok?"

Kimber thought for a few minutes before she smiled and nodded. I gave her a quick kiss before we headed back to my locker room to get ready for tonight. I climbed in the small shower that was provided and began to think.

I could understand why Kimber was scared to go back to that bar. That had been a very rough and scary night for the both of us, but I wouldn't let that happen to her again. I was older and more mature now and I knew now that I loved her...

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