Chapter 14

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I walked into the small bar just down the street from the hotel. I had taken the stairs knowing the elevator would have taken awhile and that meant that Jon would have a greater chance of catching up to me. I don't know what had come over me. Maybe it was all the emotions flowing through me or maybe it was just the fact that I was scared out of my mind as to what Greg was going to do.

A couple hours later and quite a few shots later, I exited the bar. I was expecting Jon to come after me but he never did. I knew he didn't really love me, I thought as the alcohol took over everything in my mind. I stumbled my way up the sidewalk when I suddenly felt like someone was following me. I stopped and quickly turned around but no one was there.

I felt my heart rate begin to pick up as I began walking again. Was that footsteps I heard behind me? I turned quickly but again no one was there. I turned and quickly ran back to the hotel. I could here someone running behind me but I was too afraid to turn around. All I could feel was my heart rate picking up. This was it! Greg had found me and was going to catch me and probably kill me and no one would know. I was so stupid to be so mean to Jon. If I hadn't he probably would have come looking for me by now.

I picked up my speed as I seen the hotel doors not far in front of me. However, whoever was behind me, had picked up their pace too. If I could just make it to the hotel, I could get to safety.

I ran in the doors and through the lobby to the elevator. It opened quickly and climbed in. I quickly hit the button for my door and impatiently waited for the doors to close as I seen a man in a black sweater make his way through the lobby towards the elevator. I was panicking. Why wouldn't these Damn doors close! I would have taken the stairs but I had seen way too many scary movies to feel comfortable but now I was going to die in an elevator.

Just as the doors were closing, the man slipped in. My breath caught in my throat as the doors shut and I was stuck in the elevator with the man that was following me. "Why were you running from me, Kimber?" the man said as he took down his hood.

I let my breath out as I let out a sigh of relief. It was Jon. I had been running from Jon. "I thought... this is so stupid but I thought you were Greg and that he had come to kill me or something," I breathed.

Jon smiled. "well I called your name like ten times but you wouldn't stop," he replied.

"Why didn't you just come into the bar and get me?"

"I knew you were upset and I didn't want to start a scene in there. So, I waited for you outside. I wanted to talk to you Kimber."

I scoffed. "You could have just come in instead of scaring me half to death."

"Sorry, I didn't want to get hit again."

I blushed. I was pretty rude to him. "I'm sorry about that, Jon. I don't know what came over me."

Jon moved closer to me and hit the stop button on the elevator. I stumbled back a bit as the elevator jolted to a stop. "I know you're scared of Greg but you wouldn't give me a chance to speak much earlier. Kimber, you need to listen to me. I'm going to protect you even if that costs me my life. I didn't realize when we were younger that you loved me that much otherwise things would have been different. I would have taken you with me Kimber. I've never been one to speak my feelings but you have to understand, I loved you then Kimber. I loved you so much that I have you up so you could be happy. I thought you were happy back then but I made a huge mistake. I shouldn't have let you marry Greg. I should have taken you away that day when I came back. It should have been me you were marrying, Kimber. For God's sake, I love you, Kimber. I fucking love you so much it hurt me inside to leave you behind. I just..." Jon growled as he tried to find the right words to say but I didn't need anymore.

I quickly grabbed his hoodie and pulled him into me. As our lips met and I felt my knees go weak again, I realized how much I loved Jon and how much I needed him. We kissed passionately until Jon finally pulled away. He placed his hands on the wall behind me and rested his forehead against mine. As he breathed heavily, he whispered, "I love you, Kimber."

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