Chapter 16

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Greg! Why was he doing this? I began to panic as I watched him drag Kimber into the alley beside the bar. I threw some money at the cab driver and ran around the side of the building but stopped as I watched in disbelief as the car took off. I was too late.

What do I do now? I began to panic. Sure I had been upset with Kimber for taking Dean away but we had gotten over that. They were made for each other and I had my eyes set on someone else. I kicked the wall as I panicked. I would never wish this on anyone. The look of pure fear on her face was horrible.

I quickly dug out my phone and called Dean. He didn't answer right away so I hung up and dialed again. "Dammit! Dean answer!" I screamed to no one when it went to voicemail again.

I dialed again and this time Dean answered. "what Renee?" he said annoyed.

"Its Kimber. She's gone," I said and I felt tears slide down my cheek...


I froze as I heard Renee's words. I could tell by her voice that she was crying. "what do you mean?" I asked.

"She's gone. I tried to help her But I was too late," Renee replied through small sobs.

"Did you see who it was?"

Before she answered though I knew who it was and my heart sank as she said his name. "Greg. What do I do Dean? I know Kimber and I had our differences but we were getting over them. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. Dean, I'm scared for her."

I jumped up and grabbed my jacket as the guys I was with stopped talking and looked at me. "I am coming to you. Call the cops when we hang up but I'm on my way."

Renee told me where they had gone and I quickly put my jacket on. "what's up?" Roman asked.

"Kimber. She's been kidnapped," was all I said as I headed to the door.

I walked the couple of blocks to where Renee was. I didn't realize the guys had followed me. I tried to call Kimber but it just kept ringing. I felt numb and scared and pissed all at the same time.

As I got close I could see red and blue lights and Renee talking to a cop. I didn't like cops. Too many run ins when I was younger but if they could help me find my Kimber then I would deal with them. Renee seen me coming and left the cop to come running to me. "I'm so sorry Dean. I never wanted this to happen," Renee said.

I looked at her but it was like I didn't really see her. My mind was numb. My body was numb. I just wanted my Kimber back and to know that she was safe in my arms.

A cop walked over to us. "sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. This is a crime scene," the cop said.

I snapped. "Your Damn right it's a crime scene. My beautiful angel was kidnapped and all your doing is standing here asking stupid questions!"

The cop looked surprised but Renee began talking before he could say anything. "this is Dean. Kimber's boyfriend. He knows more about the man that took her than I do," she said.

The cop looked at her then at me. "I will need you two to come to the station to answer a few questions," the cop turned to walk away.

I was about to say more. He should be out finding my Kimber not asking me more stupid questions but I felt a hand on my shoulder and noticed it was Roman. He had been so quite this whole time. He motioned for us to leave and I nodded and followed him...


I threw my keys down on the nightstand as I entered the hotel room. They still hadn't even attempted to find Kimber. She could be dead right now and no one in this world seemed to care but me. I kicked the table. I was so mad at myself. I should have never let her go. I was supposed to protect her. She was my saving grace and now she was lost. I lost myself.

I grabbed a chair and threw it across the room before it shattered. I watched it break into a million pieces knowing that's exactly how I felt. Broken. Shattered. I slid down the wall until I was sitting. I ran my hands through my hair before I let out a scream.

I rested my head on my knee and for the first time in years, I felt hot tears slide down my cheek. I just wanted her back and to know that she is safe. Was that too much to ask?

I was pulled from my thoughts as my phone began to ring. At first I thought I was imagining it but I soon realized that the ringtone I heard was true. I quickly grabbed my phone off the bed and answered. "Kimber? My god Kimber are you ok?" I frantically asked.

A laugh answered on the other end but my heart sank. I knew it wasn't Kimber. It was Greg. "Oh poor, poor lover boy is missing his little princess now?"

"What do you want Greg?"

"I just wanted to let you know that it was a nice try, getting the cops involved but you'll never find Kimber."

I felt my blood start to boil. If he killed her, I would hunt him down myself. "where is she? Is she ok?"

"Oh yes she is perfectly fine but she's mine and you will never have her again. It was a mistake for me to have let her go in the past but this time, I won't be so stupid. Call your cop friends off cuz you will never find her," Greg said before he hung up the phone.

I let out another frustrated scream as I chucked my phone at the ground. It bounced a couple of times before it landed on the floor next to Kimber's bag. I had to do something. There had to be some kind of clue as to where she was but at that moment, I couldn't think. I couldn't feel.

I grabbed my jacket and keys and headed out the door. The only way I knew how to take my pain away was a bottle of whiskey. I needed to numb everything even though I already felt numb. I needed something to numb my heart...

*Hey everyone! Just wanted to say Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Sorry it's been awhile since I updated. Been kinda crazy here lately and some of you know that I was at the Slammy Awards on Monday night. Yeah it kinda sucked. Was hoping to see some big names but half the winners weren't there but Dean's match was freaking awesome! Any who, I hope everyone has had an awesome holiday!*

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