Haliee, Haliee Jensen

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So basically, I couldn't wait until July so yeah, This fanfiction may take a while to get good, so dont stop reading, because all stories and movies have to start a little borin, and I need to include Hailee and Dan's relationship BEFORE Hailee and Niall begin.... Nailee! Ahahah sorry... just got a bit carried away....

I'm Hailee, Hailee Jensen.

I'm 16 years old and I'm half british, half Australian. I lived in Austrlia till I was 7, and I have lived in the UK For 9 years. I still hve a slight accent, but It's kind of fading...

Every year me and my family go to Australia to see my dad's family, but my mum's family is in the UK. It all got too confusing and my mum and dad split just after we moved up. 

My dad has a new girlfriend now, and she is an utter BITCH!

She is so rude, and she says i'm going to faill ALL my GCSE'S great help Emma! But I got grounded when I was there because I stuck my middle finger up at her and said 

'Your a fucking cunt!' And walked off and sat on the beach crying for 2 hours, until my dad found me, and chewed me out. 

My mum is re-married with a huy called Steve, he is like, the nicest guy ever! He has a daughter called Poppy, and she's 14, she's a twat to be quite honest and she is horrible to me. You expect most step dad's to be like oh my daughter does nothing wrong.

But not Steve, he always tells Poppy off, she tries to rugby tackle me, but once, I broke her arm, by pushing her down the stairs, Okay, I didn't mean to, she was pulling my hair, and I shoved her off me but she fell down the stairs. I DID get in big trouble for that one. 

She also broke my ankle once!


Well, we were sledging down a massive hill, well, Denne Hill, and I had just gone down and she on purpose came down right after me, she grabbed my sledge shoved me off, and then rammed into my ankle, shooting me in the air, and There was a block of ice for ramps that people made, and I landed on it. 

Yeah, Owch.

The hill had to be cleared because I was also knocked unconsious. My mum and Steve saw it all happen though. Shame I wasnt awake to see Poppy getting told off, I wouldve laughed so much.

But I do have blood related sisters Ava and Ruby. Ava is 18 and is nice to me, ecause she knows how it feels to be annoyed on the time, so she pisses Poppy off too. And Ruby is 8. She is a bit annoying, but thats what all younger kids are like I suppose.

Mum is expecting another baby. It's a boy, and she wants to call it Max. But Poppy wants to call him Noel.


Please someone give her a good baby name book? I am NOT calling my baby brother Noel, I am sorry, but no. 

I like the name.... Edward/Ed  Yeah. That's a nice name!

Okay, so enough about my family, so what am I like? 

If I could sum up my personality in 3 words I would choose:




I'm Generous because I gave Poppy Half my pocket money £50 a month because I was in a good mood, and yeah my family is quite rich, but I try my hardest to use my jobs money to live off, and half my pocket money goes into my university and camp America funds. 

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