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I woke up to the sweet sound of birds. I sat up, my feet still aching from thorpe park yesterday. 

I decided to have a shower, and clean myself off. 

I let the hot water fall down my body, as i thought about everything.... life really.

I always did this in the shower, just stood there, thinking about what my life will be like in the future. 

I wanted kids.

But i cant have them, somethings wrong with me, I dont have a period every month, infact not at all, so... I dont really know what im gunna do,

I remember the day I found out. 

It practically crushed me. Knowing I wouldnt be able to have a family. 

I guess I could adopt, but it would never be the same, and I couldnt live with the child not knowing, and when they do find out, it would kill me, because i've been keeping it from them. 

So I dont know what im going to do, but I guess I'll find out eventually. 

I decided I had been standing there long enough so I grabbed my shampoo. 

I got out the shower feeling fresh clean and awake. I wrapped a towel round my body and legged it across the landing into my room. Sighing in releif no one saw me, 

It was a drizzly day outside, so I grabbed soe leggings and a jade green tank top, and a simple grey hoodie. 

I thundered downstairs trying to wake everyone up, and i was successful, with all the grunts and graons I could hear. 

I made a hot jug of coffee in the coffee machine for everyone, and set myself on the counter top, checking my phone. I was looking on twitter, when there was a picture of me and Niall at thorpe park the caption readng:  

'Has Niall got a secret girlfriend? Who is this girl he was seen with at THORPE PARK yesterday?' 

'Shit....' I muttered, quickly sending the picture to Molly and Kaya saying


I waited for a reply even though they were only upstairs as they stayed the night. 

Suddenly a message popped up 

'You dont hurt niall, you dont touch him, slut.' I scoffed, simply replying with

'We aren't dating, I can assure you, my mum has known maura since I was little, so he's a family friend. We arent in a relationship any other way.' 

The girl replied saying  'GOOD. BECAUSE HE'S MINE.'  I raised an eye brow. she looked like 11, and gee, using that language...

Society these days. 

I heard footsteps coming through the hall and saw niall in just a pair of sweatpants on his hair all scruffed up come through the kitchen lazily. 

'I made coffee.' I said bluntly, still looking at my phone, scrolling through twitter.

'Good, I need a cup of that.' He chuckled, pouring himself a stwaming mug. He sat opposite me on a kitchen stall watching me.

'Do you mind?' I said


'Quit the staring Horan.'

'Woah... so yesterday you liked me, and now you've gone all bitch. and we're still going to the cinema tonight, no buts about it.' 

'Oh okay. So i'm being a bitch. Right okay.' I scoffed, rolling my eyes

'Well, yeah you're acting like one...' He said quietly.

'Well obviously you dont know me very well then.' I smirked

'Well I guess tonight I'll get to know you a little better then.' He winked. I chuckled shaking my head.

'You can dream!' I sighed.

'Hm, maybe.' He said laughing. I cracked a smile at his laugh, it was just... i dont know, him alone could make me smile. But what If I didnt want to fall for him?

Um, bit late now Hailee. I didnt realise I was just staring at himtill he stood up. I quickly snapped back.

'Like what you see?' Niall said teasingly. 

I felt myself blush, as he was chuckling leaving the kitchen. I sighed, and decided to just kick back and relax till tonight.

8pm sure rolled round quick as ever, and it was time to go to the cinema

'Have fun on your date!' Molly smirked

'Its not a date, how many times do I have to tel you??' I said crossly, as I grabbed my car keys. Suddenly I felt them being snatched out my hands.

'Come on then! I'll drive.' Niall said as he opened the front door. I heard Kaya and Molly giggling, As I was closing the front door, I sent them a glare. 

'What do you wanna watch?' Niall asked me as we pulled up at the cinema.

'Hmm.... what about...Pitch perfect?' 

'Nah. What about... what to expect when your expecting.?' He said.

That title made me feel upset but I cant just be like this, theres other people who suffer with what I have. So I nodded.

We got our tickets and luckily the cinema was empty.

We were halfway through the movie, and I could feel myself going all weird and upset that it couldnt be me. 

'You okay?' Niall asked

I nodded


'Alright okay, im upset cause' i can have kids.' I blurted out.

Didnt need to tell him Hailee. 

I covered my mouth going wide eyed.

'What.. Im sorry... I...' He said looking at me sadly. 

'Niall, dont apologise, It's fine!' I said giggling. 

'You shoul've said you didnt wanna see it!' He prtested.

I giggled.

'Niall, don't worry, please?' He nodded, as he pulled me into a hug.

He smelt.... good.... really good.

What the hell am I doing, I smiled to myself, realising that t'his was a perfect moment.

'Hailee...I really like you...' he mumbled.

'I really lie ou too.' I smiled. 

'You do?' H esaid his face lighting up. 

I nodded. he smiled, leaning in and placing a sweet kiss on my lips.

I couldn't have asked for anything better.


Yeah it wasnt on hold for long, was it? hahaha x

110 reads? wow, that pretty good! for me anyways heheh x

I'll get the next chapter up in a weeks time.... cause im busy tomorrow, trying to get my pink dip dye out my hair, and then ontuesday im off to thorpe park AGAIN! And wednesday...



Sorry bout the language there, im really sad about going back to school, but yeah i'll see you guys when I next update!!


Niallersnandos xxxx

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