Save me

357 10 2

Kayas POV

I ran through the pouring rain.

Hailee was either going to commit suicide or Dan was going to do something unforgettable to her.

I skidded round the sharp corner and saw the appartment tower looming in the darkness.

I shivered in the icy air but carried on. My hair stuck to my face as it began to freeze from the temperature outside. I burst into the lobby.

It was eerily silent.

I had spotted hailees car outside, so she was here.

The appartment was all the way at the back of the ground floor, and it took a while to get there through huge winding corridors.

The lights flickered, and thunder rumbled outside.

It was so creepy, I wanted to turn back and run away.

I know I have been a bitch to Hailee, but I cant leave her, I am not letting her die.

I then saw the appartment door at the end of the corridor. I walked slower almost frozen in fear. What happens if Dan was there? I'm petrified of him.

Before I knew it, I was at the door. I wiggled the handle, and shived the door, it was locked.

It wasnt it was just stiff. I ran up the corridor, and ran at the door, and it still didnt budge. I did it again, the door fell off it's hinges, falling onto the floor along with me. I groaned, and realised the stench of the appartment, dust cloud flowing around me.

I coughed, stood up and burshed myself off.

'Hailee?!' I called, but there was no answer.

Perhaps I had got the wrong appartment?

I stopped dead when I saw a body lying in the middle of the lounge floor. Her dark brown hair laying neatly behind her, limp, not moving. I saw the weak and feeble rise of her chest.

And that's when I noticed the pool of blood. Thats when I ran towards her, and sat her up.

'Kaya?' She whispered looking confused.

'What the hell di you do?' I whispered

'It was Dan...' She whispered

I sware my heart just skipped a few beats... I shook my head. But when I looked up, I saw Hailee was falling she collapsed back to the floor, completley knocked out cold.

'HAILEE!' I screamed

Hailee's POV

My body felt like it was almost on fire from the pain, hot blood slid down my arms, my T-shirt stained with sticky crimson. 

I toushed the stab wound. I barley pressed it, but I winced, tears welding my eyes shut. 

I shook, and I felt like heaving the contents of my stomach up, but I stayed strong.

I cant let him defeat me.

I am no going to die this way, I wasn't going to die by him, I wasn't going to let Dan defeat me.

Defeat wasnt my option...

I think I must have dropped in and out of consciousness(I really dont know how to spell that one, sorry guys....) 

I felt my heart fluttering.

I wanted to break free of this pain, it felt like Something wanted to break free, rattling in my rib cage.

My eyes felt like weights, but I stayed strong..

I saw Kaya run to me, HOW DID SHE FIND ME?

She was talking and I was, but the words were breathless, and every time I spoke, I felt myself slipping again.

But at first I was so confident that I was able to hold onto my life, but That's cahnged now.

I felt like I was letting go, I wasnt able to hold on, I wasnt going to hold on ti my own life anymore. It was too much, I knew it would only make me worse.

Thats when the dizziness overwhelmed me whole body, my head felt heavy and I clattered to the floor, I heard Kaya scream my name, then my eyes shut and everythng went silent.


We're having a heatwave and we're not used to heat like this in England, well I certainly am not haha....

Its like 30 or something

and I cant concentrate in heat and yeah I cant be bothered to write... MIGHT do an update tomorrow or Thursday, but Im really busy, going away with the school on Friday and dont get back till next week... Im thinking of updating next Friday.... Im getting my top braces then I have my bottom ones already so I think this might just take the pain off my mind.

So dont go mad because of the mega delay. I'm knackered from a whole year of school.... 6 MORE DAYS OF SCHOOL (8including the weekend,)  WOOOOOOOOOO. Off to year 10 in spetember sad stuff.... 

My parenst are like 'Youve grown up so much/' ahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahah okay bye, this is a really long pointless A:N BYE,

NiallersNandos:* xxxxxxxx

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