Goodbye england, hello america!

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Today, I woke up, it was 2am and i gave myself an hour to get ready, an hour to get to the aiport, half an hour to say good bye, and then  go through security.

my flight was at 7:30am, and I knew it was going to be a long and tiring flight for me. 

I kicked off my warm duvet, sad that I wouldnt be able to smell home out in america. 

I stretched and yawned, gazing round my dark room, already feeling scared about leaving. i flicked on the light, illuminating my suitcase open on the floor, incase of any last minute clothes, and my hand luggage laying next to my bed. 

I sighed, running my hands over all my photos, I spotted one at the back, and gently pulled it out, and instantly my hurt sunk. 

It was Niall and I.

I felt tears springing to my eyes.

I missed him...

'I'm sorry,' I whispered. Bititng my lip, holding the tears back.

I swallowed the lump, and I shoved the picture swiftly into a pocket in my suitcase, zipping it up. I smiled. If he wasnt going to be there with me, at least he could come in a picture... :) 

I grabbed my towel, clothes and ressing gown, and body wash I had left out last night. I grumbled with exauhstion as I went into the bathroom, locking the door. 

The bathroom light was especially bright, so I hissed in pain as the light practically blinded me. 

I switched on the shower, turning it to hotter than usual, to wake me up. I stepped in and the water stung as it hit my skin, instantly making it a flush red colour. 

I didnt care though, too many thoughts were rushing through my mind. 

Too many memories,,,

I washed and switched of the shower, wrapping my body in a dry towel, as I brushed through matted mess of a hair. 

Once I had tackled that, I dryed myself off and got drerssed into my comfortable clothes. 

Dark jeggings, and my maroon dirty harry jumper, with a plain white t-shirt underneath. 

I grabbed my damp towel, and put it in the wash, grabbing my shapoo, conditioner, and bodywash, and dumped it into my suitcase, zipping it closed. I smiled, here we go. 

I dryed my hair and tied it into a messy bun, i didnt care what i looked like, i wanted to be comfy, and I was. 

Thats when I thought, 

I definatley need to tan when Im out there. 

I pulled up my jumper sleeve, staring at my pale skin, I scoffed in annoyance, pulling the sleeve back down again. 

I skipped downstairs, to see everyone else, camped out on the sofas and on the floor, I smirked, and I turned the light on, chucking a pillow at Louis' head to wake him up.

'what?' He grumbled, looking around confused as to where the pillow had come from. 

I cleared my throat, and he looked up at me

'Oh hi,' He smiled

'Hi,' I smiled back 'Can you get everyone else up please? I'll go wake up the hell holes up stairs,' I grumbled

'Who?' He asked 'Mum... Steve... Poppy, and Max?' I giggled

'Oh right yeah,' He said, sounding a little more awake now. 

I wandered upstairs now, to wake them all up, I went into poppy's room first as she was always the worst to get up if we were up early. 

I sat on the end of her bed  whacking her shoulder, she instantly knew it was me, because I always wake her up like that. She took one off her pillows, and lazily chucked it at my face, missing,

I snickered,

'Get upppppppp.' I said, switching her light on walking out her room. I knocked on mum and Steves room door as they didnt take much to wake up, and walked back downstairs. 

I sat in the car next to poppy leaning my head against the window, waching as we started to slowly drive out our close. I played with my hands nervously.  The dark streets loomed past, the sky turning a slightly lighter blue, due to the sun rising. 

I saw in the horizon, a orange red colour in the clouds, and knew it was the sun.

Okay, lets not talk about the sun. 

We drove on the almost emty motorway in silence, all sitting there awkwardly in silence.

I could see my mums sad expression in the front mirror, i swallowed hard, I knew she was going to be a wreck when I left. 

she was going to survive from today (june 4th) to august 10th without me... poor mumma. haha 

When we pulled up at heathrow airport, I started to get scared but then also excited, I bolted out the car and grabbed mysuitcase, as we all made our way to the terminal.

No fans were in or outside, so the boys didnt really had to hide themselves, a few paps were outside, but luckily didnt see. 

I checked in, handing in my suitcase, and walking away slowly, scared. 

'Right come, on get this over with,'  my mum whispered, pulling me into a hug, I was suprised how fast she got in to say goodbye . She hugged me fast because she didnt want to cry, so I felt myself beginning to tear up. 

I said goodbye to Harry, Charlott,e liam danielle louis eleanor zayn and perrie, by now i was literally crying the tears were threatning to spill, and when I got to Niall, I just burst into tears. 

'Im so sorry, i know its like too late now, but i was such a bitch im sorry,' I whispered

He rubbed my back soothingly

'Its okay, im sorry too baby,' he whispered, hugging me tighter. 

I cried into his chest, soon realising I would have to let go, and leave. 

He tilted my chin up, and placed a small rushed kiss on my lips, we heard the boys cheering, I smiked

'Youre gunna do fine, baby, I promise. I'll see you when you get home.' He smiled

'But youre doing your american tour!' I protested

'I get back the day before you.'

'Oh, okay,' I smiled, as he wiped my tears away, I shakily grabbed my hand luggage bag and went through security, I went through the never ending line, as noone was queuing waving, until they disappeared out of sight,

This is it. I thought.

Florida camp here I come.


hiii, sorry the updates have been so crappy latley.... :(

Its going to get good, very soon, I promise okay. okay. 

So idk when i will next update may be tonight or like... wednesday...  latest will be Saturday, so, see you then!




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