we'd like to offer you a place

253 7 1

I woke up back in the comfort of my house.

Its been a week since Niall and I's split, and he still has to come over with the boys and stuff. It's a little bit awkward... But I just blank him most of the time. we give hugs when he leaves or arrives, and we exchange a small conversation, but im still not 100 percent comfortable. 

Its may 20th, and i shsould soon be having an update if I have gotten into a camp in america. I do hope I got in... 

'Morning..' I grumbled as I scruffed poppy's hair,

'Morning!' She chimed, smiling. 'Feeling any better?'

'Mm... a bit thanks' I said smiling, sitting opposite her. 

'You guys, im still in shock...' She said, laughing slightly... but also looking distraught.

'Believe me so am I...' I said going into a daydream.

I was thinking back to how I thought that maybe one day Niall and I would be happily married. I wished we had our own kids running round the house, but my dream of that was crushed, and now the dream of niall and I married, has been crushed. 

Can anything go right with my life??

There was a light knock at my front door, and I opened it to see Lola. 

'Lola?' I asked. But that was until she dragged me outside by my hair. 

She threw me to the ground, and I knew I was stronger than her... But I didnt have it in me yet. 

She sat on top of me, pinning my wrists to the grass

'You keep away, from MY Niall.' She hissed.

I struggled in her grasp.

'I have!' I protested. her grip getting tighter, pain getting stronger. 

'No. I dont want you to even think about him...' I she whispered, narrowing her eyes. 

'You cant control me...' I spat

'I Think I can.' 

'I think not, bitch.' Thats when another guy came out of no where, he had greenish blue eyes eyes and black hair. and he fiddled with a knife in his hands. 

'mum!' I tried to choke out, but I was scared stiff.

I tried to break free of Lola's grasp. But it was no use. I whimpered as she kicked me in the stomach, thinking I was going to be sick from the impact of the blow, knocking the air out of me completley 

Suddenly, I kneed her, hard in the stomach, she yelped, clutching her stomach. I shoved her off me, and made a run for the front door, but an arm snaked round my neck, knife pressed to my kneck.

'You're some petty little girl, who doesnt know how to fight back.' He hissed in my ear.

'Believe me, I do know.' I spat, trying to get out of lock around my neck.

'Oh believe me, I know.' He whispered coldly into my ear. 

His voice sounded familiar.

Almost too familiar.

The icy tone to it.

I felt my stomach churn as he smirked, and walked off, taking Lola with him. I shook my head, butting hands to my temples.

'No, no hailee, it isnt him, he cant get out, no, dont, he wouldve killed you by now.' I thought to myself. 

I was unaware, of Niall standing on our lawn looking at me oddly.

'Uh... you seen Lola...' He asked, scratching my head.

'She's with dan.' I said, slapping a hand over my mouth his head shot up and he looked directly at me. 

'That slut...' He hissed. he paused and then he gasped. 

'He isnt gunna touch you.' He said in a low voice. 

'Niall, i dont even think it was him, infact no it wasnt, he has green eyes this guy had blue, oh thank god, I was practically freaking.' I said shakily. I wandered back inside as the others appeared and they all followed me briskly.

Nialls POV

I sat in the lounge with the other lads, as Hailee had some important meeting upstairs... odd.

I looked around the room, and spotted one last picture of Hailee and I. 

I studied it carefully, and bit my lip. 

I had made a huge mistake.

I was kicking myself now (its a saying for anyone who doesnt know,.) 

Suddenly we heard a loud scream, we all shot up as Hailee entered the room, he mum looking shocked. 

'IM GOING TO AMERICA!!!' She screamed. He mum screamed, and ran up to give her a hug, all the other lads and girl ran up to her. 

I felt like I was being suffocated. 

No, she couldnt go no! I wasnt letting her slip, I mean I know it's only 2 months out there, but thats long enough to forget.

'Congratualtions...' I said pained, as she smiled, smiled the biggest smile I have ever seen her smile before.

She really was happy. 

Hailees POV

I couldnt get my head around the fact in 14 days I was going to a summer camp in Florida.

It was crazy. 

I had to go out and have a night of major drinking before I left as I wasnt old enough to drink out in the states.

But that can wait a little while longer. 

It was a big step, and I was excited to see what It would be like. I knew my mum was going to be a wreck at the airport... but, I think some of them will be happy tears. 

Let the tears roll on.

Let america roll on. 


Helllloooooo :) nice to see you all haahaa 







I was sobbing ahahhaa omg :'(

I still havent got over it ....

Oh welll I think It might be photoshopped

Ooooo and if ya wanna follow me on instagram its:


and my twitter is:


Fell free to follow and ask me stuff or anything hah xx




and the youtube link, is the main song for the last chater of broken strings. I know its not out or anything yet but you know...

Please listen to it?:)

thanksss :) 


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