I think I like you too...

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Carla Daisy and Lillie strutted up to me smirking, and the sat on my tabke. 

I wasnt a weak girl, I was a tough cookie.


'So Hailee... What brings you here?' Daisy asked smiling, of course she wasnt smiling, it was her fake sarcasting slutty smile that made me want to punch her plastic face in.

She'd look better then. 

I had beaten up Daisy before,  in primary school, and lets just say mum wasnt happy picking me up early from school.

'It's my form dumb bitch.' I spat narrowing my eyes at her scoffing. 

'Oh, Oh! Langauge Hailee,!' Lillie gasped acting shocked. I stood up angrily.

'Stop provoking me, if you want me to smash you fake faces in, keep going, because this is going to be amusing.' I spat walking to the form room door. 

'I think she's such a wore you know, no-one like that fake slut.' I heard Daisy mutter. I spun round.

'What was that?' I spat tking a step closer to her.

'Nothing!' She said. I hissed and brought my fist up to punch her, but a tough hand grabbed it. I turned round angrily to see Dans piercing green eyes staring back at me. 

'She isnt worth the punch babe, just leave it.' He winked and walked off to his mates.  

'Dan!' I heard Daisy say tagging along behind her. 

Why was he so hot? I mean, what. I stared practically in a daze. I smiled as I skipped off to my locker in the corridor, to get something out. 

It was kind of just like in movies, I slammed the door closed and Dan was leaning agaist the lockers smiling. 

'What?' I huffed, shoving my bags into my school bag. 

'I've never seen you like that.' He smirked.

'Like... What?' I asked slightly confused. 

'You nearly punched someone, I've never seen that in you!' He exclaimed. 

'Oh well if you were around in primary school you wouldnt be saying that.' I chuckled. He looked confused.  'i beat the shit out the little slut when I was in primary school,' 

His mouth dropped open, in shock.

'Dont act so surpised...' I grumbled, picking my bag up from the floor. His hand was now placed on my shoulder.

'You know, I've always liked you.' He said, his tone was always quite hard, considering who he hung out with, but it had softened now,

'Like...?' I said

'Like like, Loved you...' He said trailing off. 

'I've felt the same too,' I said smiling 

'You have?' He said, his face lightening up.

'Yeah.' I whispered

'So... do you wanna go out out next week, maybe, if you want to...'

I dont think you need to ask that question.'

'So its a yes?'

'Yep, now I gotta go, catering exam... I'll catch you next week,'

'Good luck!' He called as I walked down the corridor.

'Thanks!' I smiled and turned the corner to walk  down a flight of stairs. I almost bumped into a teacher but they shook their head.

'Nope, Miss Jensen, these are the up stairs, go back and go down the down stairs!' He said, pointing his finger back up the stairs.

'But it's not...' I said, but he shut me up, by shaking his head yet again. I groaned and went all thtough the long corridor again and went down the right stairs this time. I got downstairs to make my way to my catering room to coook for 3 and a half hours and noticed Sian Molly Chloe and Kaya standing outside. They had a box of chocolates and were all muttering to eachother. 

'Hey guys!' I called. 

They were all my utter best friends since Pre school (Kindergarten in America) Their heads shot up and the ran over to me, enveloping me into a group hug,. 

'Here, good luck we knew this exam was the one you were most nervous about as there are proper cooks examining the food and stuff, so we got you these..' Kaya smiled handing me a box of Lindt Linodrs.

My Absolute all time favourite.

'You guys, you shouldnt have! I feel bad for not getting you guys anything, wait you can try the food if you want, I know its not much...' I saod, but they all laughed.

'Duh, we were hoping you'd let us...' Molly giggled. I smirked, and then the bell went. 

'Mols, good luck with PE Chlo, good luck with ICT and Kaaayy good luck with your art exam, it isnt too bad, beleive me I did it last week!' I said we hugged again as they nervously walked off to their exams,

This was out last ever day at school, and next week was our leavers assmebly, I knew it was going to be hard to say goodbye to this school, we've worked so hard here, but yet there are so many good memories. 

Leavers assembly

I sat down in a chair and watched as my whole form, who had been there for, me and we had been there for eachother these past 5 years were all going our seperate ways.

The assebly was long and full of tears I was sobbing into Kayas shoulder we grabbbed our leavers hoodie and year book and headed home.

As we walked home I was crying as I walked out of the school were all my possbly favourite memories would stay. 

I smiled at my yearbook photo and laughed at Chloes as she was blinking in the picture. 

'Dont laugh, its not even funny...' She pouted shutting her book and putting it in her bag, 

'Aw, cheer up chicken,' I said giving her a hug. 

I was sad because Chloe was going to a collge up in Cambridge where her family were moving to in August.

At first she refused to go, but then she realised that she had to and there was no going back for her now. 

Saying goodbye to her was not going to be easy, and that was for sure. 

I grew up with that girl and seeing her go will be hard for us all...


Sorry its been a what 2 week delay??




Han xxxxxx


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