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Cba to re write that one, so here we go, i make it up to you guyzzzzz 

Its nearly been a whole year ive been with niall. 

It has been the best year ever, if i am quite honest....

I woke up, to the sun spalshing on nialls and ours king sized bed. I ywaned, trying to wiggle out Nialls strong arms, that were secureley wrapped round my waist,

No use.

I was getting really hot...

Uncomfortably hot. 

'Niall.' I groaned. 

No answer.

'NIALL..' I said this time, slightly louder. 

He must have been really tired last night... I sighed. 

Suddenly, and idea popped into my mind. I smirked, managing to turn myself round, now facing niall. He looked so cute and perfect when he slept. I knew how 'protective' he was over his chest hair, well, what he had... he said it made him more manly.

That boy can dream haha ;)

I plucked one of the hairs out his chest, and he shot up, hissing in pain. 

'What was that for?' He pouted.

'You wouldnt wake up, and you were almost suffocating me...' I giggled.

 He smiled.

'Oh, sorry babe.' He said, smohtering me in a hug again. 

'No going back to sleep!' I laughed, he smiled, and placed a kiss on my cheek. 

'Mm... maybe..' He said, pulling me closer to him. This time, I was comfortable,and we both drifted back into our long needed slumber. 

The past year has been hectic with Niall, but yet, also very peacefull.

Him and the boys finished their tour and I went to Watch them in Madison Square gardens. It was pretty incredible how far they have come... 

Then Niall went off to Japan for about 2 weeks, and then in February, they started the Take me home tour, which was pretty intense schedules, and I knew i wasnt going to see him very much, it was going to be hard, but I knew when he came back, he isn't going anywhere for a while, well, he's probably going to Ireland for christmas, so I'll go home for Christmas as well.I wish I could spend christmas with him... but he has family and so do I.

September 13th 2012 (Nialls Birthday)

I woke up early this morning, we were holding a huuuuuge party down at Harry and Charlottes place.  Yes Harrys girlfriend, is a very nice girl Charlotte, she's like one of the nicest people I have ever met.

Molly Kaya and I have sadly lost touch. 

It hurts because they've been with me for everything, but theyre at university. I have taken a gap year to save for university, and also In June HOPEFULLY, I'm going to America for a couple of months as i have been asked to help out at a summer camp. I dont even know for sure if I have a place, but I will be over the moon if I do. 

I snuck out the housse, and grabbed my car keys, and slowly managed to reverse off the drive without disturbinf a sleeping Niall. 

I was getting his cake an everything, and I told him I was busy for the day.

He was upset but you know... I want it to stay a suprise. 


'NIALL!' I yelled as I dropped the keys onto the table by the front door, slipping off m shoes and hoodie.

I heard him thunder down the stairs and he basically tackled me to the floor.

'Uh... hi...' I said, holding back my laughter. He stared down at me, smiling,  He quickly pecked me on the lips, and tickled my side. 

I squealed, he was about to get off me when he smirked.


'No...' I said shrugging. 

'Hm, we'll see...' He sai,d and began tickling me again, I screamed, trying to pry him off me, Laughing so much, I could scarcely breathe.

'Niall Stop!!' I said out of breath. 

After some time more trying to get him off me, he stopped. 

He knew we were going out somewhere, but I said it was just for dinner. 

He pulled off his shirt

'Gonna take a shower, wont be long!'He called, as he ran back upstairs to take a shower. I smiled, as I wandered upstairs to go get myself ready. 

I wore casual sort of dress, as it was a party to wear casual clothes.

I could tell tonight was going to be a good night. 

May 9th 2013

I finally woke up again, and this time niall as not suffocating me. He was already awake, staring at me.

'Morning, again,' He chuckled, kissing me. 

As the um kiss grew more heated I pulled away, He pouted. 

'Nopeee, sorry Horan!' I chuckled

'Why not?'

'Because...' I said huffing

'Because isn't an answer!' He chimed pulling me back to him.

He wasn't going to give in, was he?-.- 

I wandered downstairs to get a glass of water, when there was a knock on the door, I looked a mess, and who would knock at.... 11.... okay maybe someone would, but it's early to me and Niall.

I opened up the door, and a girl with a bit too much makeup on, and bleach blonde hair stood there. Even though she wore a lot of make up, she was stunning. 

'H, can I help?' I asked kindly

'Oh, um yeah, i-is niall here? I'm a friend of his... Im Lola.' She smiled. 

I let her in

'I'll go get him, take a seat. She nodded, and gingerly sat down on the sofa, and ran upstairs, and poked my head round to our room, niall wrapped in the duvet

'Get up lazy, somones here to see you.' 

He sat up 

'Who?' He asked, putting a shirt and some sweatpants on. 

'Lola...? ring any bells?' 

Suddenly he looked nervous.

'Oh, right... could you stay up here,please?' He asked. 

I narrowed my eyes. 

'what, something your hiding Horan?' I asked, my stomach churning. 

He shook his head and darted past me. 

Tears were already threatning to spill from my eyes.

She must just be a friend...

Please tell me she is...

The thought he cheated on me sickened me, as I flopped on the bed, burying my face into the soft pillow. Soon the pillow was becoming more tear sodden.

Haillee, it'sprobably just a family friend. Stop worrying.

I wiped away my tears, and sighed.

The our bedroom door opened, and a very upset and nervous niall looked straight back at me...

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