Hold me close

207 7 3

Nialls POV

So far, Australia has been abosolutlley amazing! 

We have been having such a blast, and we have all been enjoying it. 

Tonight we had done our last show, which was sad, but you know, it had to end at some point. 

We have another few days out here to relax, which i was looking forward too as well. 

I was humming as I went to get a coffee from a coffee shop down the street from our hotel, i think most girls were at school, so, oddly I didnt get mobed.

I entered my hotel room as Louis screamed in my face, making me spill my blistering hot coffee on my hand.

'LOUIS!' I yelled, setting my coffee on the counter in the kitchen, running cold water on the burn

'Harry said he saw Hailee here, in australia, she's here niall!' he yelled happily

'we have to find her.' I said putting a snapback 

'But what if we get hurt? Screw that let's go get the others!' Louis said putting on a pair of ToMs. 

I knocked on Zayns door rapidly, and eventually we had got the other boys with us. We ran into the lobby where Paul was sitting with another few security guards. 

We stopped in our tracks, not knowing how we would get out.  We managed to get out quickly and we didnt really know where to go, so we headed off to the lake that was about a 10 minute walk from our hotel.

Hailee's POV

I dont really know what happened

The past 2 weeks have been hell, and i miss Niall so much it's crazy. 

I was being pulled somewhere in the warm night in autralia, I had someone behind and in front of me, invading my personal space why don't you?

I sighed as we went through a small patch of woods, it was dark, and I felt uncomfortable with the surroundings. 

Suddenly we came to a large lake, and I could hear crickets everywhere, and It was sort of misty almost, It looked quite beautiful with all the stars above and it was also peaceful.

I was led to an ned of a dock, and i was afraid as I knew what was about to come. I was standing it the edge, my breathing heavy

'Suddenly I heard someone yell 

'STOP!!' I reconized his voice.

It was Harry. I looked up to see all 5 of the boys coming down the hill towards me

'Too late!' Jake said and pushed me, I let out a blood curdling scream, as I fell backwards, my wrists and feet tied together, I felt the cold water come into contact with my skin, as I struggled so try and not sink further down, I managed to get the knots untied, but I was aware of someone behind me.

I felt a sharp stinging pain, as the man cut my arm, I gurgled in the water, losing air as I struggled to get to the surface. I felt my self going light headed, I finally got above the surface coughing, I hooked my arm onto the jetty, hauling myself upwards.

I felt someone grab my waist trying to pull me back under, my fingers hooked in the gaps of the jetty, trying to hold on. Shivering I still managed to hold on.

I shut my eyes clenching my teeth, trying to keep my grip, but my  fingers began to cramp, and they were throbbing. I felt another slice to my arm, and I cried out in pain, as I was submerged in the water again. 

I saw more bubbles and saw Liam grab the guy trying to fight him away, but I was pinned back again, as I screamed in the water. 

liam stop, I thought to myself.  he's gunna get hurt, I managed  to kick one of the guys out the way, and I saw more people tryiing to beat away the other guys, but I felt myself losing conciousness, but I couldnt seem to get to the surface. My body felt heavy, as I felt myself going, This is it.

I thought to myself.

I felt myself getting closer to the surface, but on the other hand, I was getting closer to dying, I submerged to the surface just intim, coughing, barley staying afloat,  But again I was pulled down again, But I didn't even put up a fight, as I had no enrgy.

I saw the man pull out the knife, as I shut my eyes in fear, but nothing happened, I swallowed water and began to panic, but I felt someones warm lips press against mine, and I instantly knew it was Niall.

I could feel myself crying even under the water, I felt him pulling me to the surface, warapping his arms around me pulling me to dry ground. We stayed embraced for a while, as I was crying uncontrollably.

'Sh,baby it's okay.' He whispered.

'Im so sorry..' I whispered

'Sorry for what?'

 'Everything... Leading you into all this... shit.' 

'Hailee, don't worry about it, as long as your safe.' Niall replied, I looked up at him unsurley

'I don't think so, Niall. Dan left he's still out there,' I replied

He stared at me in shock, and scared 'He won't hurt you again, I promise, I know i've said that before but this time, I do mean it.'

I nodded slowly and looked over to see my mum running towards me

'Mum!' I said as she engulfed me in a hug, sobbing.

'Don't leave me again, you promise?' She cried. I smiled hugging her tighter, shaking my head


She smiled, as she stepped away from me, she looked pale, and almost a tinge of grey colour.

I looked at niall in concern

'Mum, are you okay?' I asked

She nodded slowly 'Now I am, come on, I want to take you back to the hotel and get you cleaned up, you got some nasty cuts...'

I had kind of forgotten about them, as I felt the burning and stinging sensation in my arm, I gingerly, ran my fingers over the wound

'Owch,' I hissed

 Niall took my hand but as my mum started walking away, I saw her slumpng, and then I saw her knees buckle, as she passed out and hit the floor

'MUM!' I yelled running at her.

Then a doctor ran over

'She should of never came out of hospital...' He said slowly

'What?!' I practically yelled at him

'She's been in hospital, Hailee.' He said gravley

'Whats wrong with her?' I demanded

'Miss Jensen....' He stuttered

'Whats wrong with her?!' I said getting frustrated.

He paused, looking at me rather solemnly. I took a sharp intake of breath preparing myself about what I was going to be told.

'Your mother...' He began

'She has cancer...'


 I AM SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR KEEPING YOU ALL WAITING, I've been so caught up in school work, as i've been having so many tests, and it's been very tense at home with my mum as she's been a bit moody latley, she's stressed

Dont blame her, we're going to florida in 4 days and I haven't even begun to THINK about packing, Oops....

Anyways, there probably wont be another update till November now... unless I have the time to give another update in the next couple of days,

Dont get your hopes up.

So ill see you all in a few weeeeeeeks!

Au revoir



OH, And listen to Katy perrys new album, Prism, ITS A-M-A-Z-I-N-G !! 


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