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Would just like to say thankyou for all the reads guys:) I've nearly finished protector, sad times:( it has 3 more chapters and an epilogue... the epilohue OR the final chapter will be posted on christmas eve heheeee

But im not sure when the next update will be... I have a German writing GCSE On December 16thAND I AM SO SCARED and I need to do alot of preparation during the next week :/ so i probs wont be updating till like the 17th of december, LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL SOON AHHH 2 WEEKS LEFT EEEEEE! so happy, I LOVE christmas! I'm like a little kid again ahaaa it's so hard knowing what i wanna put on my list though:( 

anywayyyy im in the christmas spirit soo hered the nexxt chapter loveliesss!!:)


It was christmas eve, and I was sitting at my old house, steve and Poppy and maz happily crawling about on the floor. 

Niall was in Mullingar for christmas, but he told me to stay at home with my family for christmas, so I did. 

My cousins were staying with us all through the christmas period, so that was good. I was sitting on the kitchen counter when I got the message. 



I sat there in confusion as to what he was going on about, maybe he realised that I was going to australia? So i played it innocent. 

Whatcha mean?

I think you know;) 

uh no?


GOD, niall dont do that I thought something was wrong!

nah haha gotta go, speak later love xx

Bye x

 I flopped back onto my bed, watching the pale white sky as it loomed over head. It was supposed to snow on boxing day, shame it wont for christmas! I sighed closing my eyes for a while, everyone seemed so happy, and I was, I guess. But I missed Niall, but he made me stay here for christmas, damn, wish I had protested even more, i just wanted to be with him. 

'Hailee?' I heard Steve call up the stairs, I jumped up, standing on the landing,

'Yes?' I replied

'Could you walk up to the shop and grab some double cream please?'

'Sure! I'll be 20 minutes.' I replied, I slipped on a pair of uggs, and my green parker, grabbed my purse, and left for the shop,.

God was it cold. I shivered, hugging my coat tighter to my body, my hands already feeling numb, my face feeling stung, and flushed. I was shivering, as I managed to shove my purse in my pocket with numb hands. 

I fished my phone out my pocket checking the time.


Already? Man that was late. I picked up my pace, and arrived at the shop, finding the cream, and paying for it quickly, wanting to get home. 

I skipped out the shop, and noticed it had gotten considerably dark. I groaned, and watched as the lamposts flickered,  it certainly felt less festive now. I was nearly home when I turned round to see a figure following me, I ignored it because I'd get myself worked up, but i could already feel my heart hammering in my chest. 

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