Pay him a visit

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Hey Guys... Sorry for the delay of the update, ik its nearly been 10 days... But IM GOING ON HOLIDAY IN 2 WEEKS

So I'm going to tell you all this NOW, and in the Next update.

THERE WILL BE THIS UPDATE AND ONE MORE, at a push 2 more, before I go on holiday. 

I WILL NOT UPDATE FOR AT LEAST 2 WEEKS, maybe a bit more, but dont think I've forgotten because I haven't :) 

So yeahh, Here is the next updateeee:)


Niall's POV

Today we're off to australia for the last leg of the Take Me Home tour, and I'm pretty excited.

I was humming a song whilst I was dumping my clothes into my suitcase, making sure I had everything, lugging it into the hallway. There was a loud knock at the door, as I jogged over to answer it, I swung open the door to see harry standing there smiling.

'Hi!' I said smiling

'Elloooo.' He replied wandering in with his suitcase

'What time are the others due round?' He asked setting himself on the sofa 

'Uh... about 10?' I shrugged turning the Xbox on 'FIFA?' i asked Harry

''You know me!' He laughed grabbing a controller. 

I started up FIFA with harry and we played for about half an hour until the other boys arrived

We wandered throught to the airport, and Police were running everywhere, I looked around startled. Then paul came over shouting

'Dan's in the airport!' He said as he started dragging us through as quickly as possible

Louis looked at me, as He said Dan. I felt myself get angry at just his name. 

I heard running and yelleng, I spun round to see Dan running right at me, I gasped, but he was tackled to the floor by a police, I stared in shock as he was screaming at me

'YOU. YOU. YOU!' He yelled repetativley yelled, I looked at him, but Paul began pulling me away. I was about to board the flight, when I saw all of Dan's workers or whatever he calls them about to leave. 

But i locked eyes with the one girl there. 


She looked in pain, and I saw the tears spilling from her eyes, she had a cut to her cheek, and she looked paler than usual. 

Then she was slapped right before my very eyes.  I could see the pain all over her face, I was starting to get angry but pauls grip on my shoulder grew more tight, as he pulled me towards the tunnel leading toward the plane. 

I felt zayn put his arm on my shoulder

'She's alive Niall.' He said 

'But she was rightr there... I could've gotten her!' I said slumping in my plane seat in agony.

But Zayn was right at least Hailee was alive...

Chris' POV

I'm the new victim.

Why am I a victim?

I tried to kill Dan a few weeks ago, and now I'm here with that poor girl, Hailee, but she's a fighter, She can fight, which suprised me. 

We had left the airport, where Dan was caught, but now he's run away, and we don't know where he's gone...

We sat in the back of a van as we sped away as fast as we could, once we were near enough out of the airport, Mick (the driver) slowed down. I sat opposite Hailee, who just sat there in silence for the whole journey

'So um, Hailee...' I begun, but she glared at me

'Carry on?' She said coldly.

'Sorry... how old are you?' I asked out of curiosity. The men couldn't hear our converstion, luckily

'19... you...?' She said sitting up a but more.

'19!' I said smiling. I saw her crack a smile, but she looked at her knees fiddling with her thumbs, then I saw a tear fall onto her knee.

'Hey, hey whats wrong?' I asked her softly.

'I-I just want to be with my boyfriend, I want all of this to go away, I never meant him or a-anyone to die or to get into any mess for me.' She said, choking back her sobs trying to tell me what happened.

'Your boyfriend? Who is he?' I asked her, she looked up at me, biting her lip

'Niall...' She breathed, beginning to cry at just saying his name.

'From one direction, Hailee, I do know who you are...' I said, trying to cheer her up by telling her stories, but she just cried. I rubbed her back in a hug and finally the van jolted to a holt.

Hailee shot from my arms, and wiped her tears away. The back doors of the van were swung open, and Hailee was dragged out, and I was shoved to the cold concrete, definatley grazing my face.

Hailees POV

I was pushed against a sharp stone wall, it cut open my knees, and I felt the blood trickling down my legs. Owch? never knew these kinda walls even did that. 

My hands were pinned painfully behind my back, as I was helf there for sme time. 

'Hello...' Simon said smirking, half my face pinned against the wall

'What.' I spat in agony, and because I hated him.

'We're going to pay your little Nialler a visit in Australia!' He said in a high pitched kiddy tone

'You wont touch him!' I spat

'No, but we can hurt you and then he'll come rescue you... but...' He smirked

'Here we go, the always some fucking catch. ' I rolled my eyes

'Clever girl.' Simon said 'Since Dan has done a runner, and will return some point..' He said

'Hes gone for a while?!' I said perking up a slight bit

'Yes... but when he gets back, he's goin to kill you Hailee....' 

Kill you Hailee.


Kill You...

The words replayed in my mind, and I felt sick. 

I was panicking and I felt hot, and light headed, everything started spinning, and then I passed out. 


Sorry it's not that good

Chris is the guy in the previous chapter that came in nd then fell unconscious for anyone who gets confuzzled.

So yeah the usual






BUT year 10&11 might have to go to school, and Im year 10, so i might have to go in which is crp.

So yeah see you all soon

Niallers nandos x


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