fight back

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That one word, that one simple, but life changing word, but it didnt change your life in a good way. I was still on my knees on the floor, staring at the doctor in pure shock.

'Hailee?' I heard Niall ask, I saw the doctor nod, as he and some ambulance men pull my mother away from me. Usually I would put up a fight, and not let them take her away from me, but i still, just sat there, tears forming in my eyes.

I felt someone, put their hand on my arm, and i instantly shot up, and ran off, i don't know why I even did it.

'HAILEE?!' I hear Liam yell after me 'Hailee?!' I didnt even turn back until he pulled my arm making me screamin and cry.

'S-stop!' I screamed 'I cant! Stop please!' I sobbed sinking to the floor. He looked at me with a pained expression.

'She's going to be okay,' He said softly

'How do you know Liam? W-what if she's not? How do I know that? she said she was fine, she's going to lie to make me feel better, but I don't want her to hide how she's feeling, if she really is feeling like she can't fight anymore, I'd rather she would say that then lie and then she'd be gone, and I wouldn't know, I just, I just want her to know, that I love her, and she can tell me anything...' I whispered, my voice shaking.

Liam brought me into a hug trying to calm me down, but I was just feeling like a complete mess right now. My whole entire life is crap right now, I just wanted to get away from it all...

That night I was sitting in the boys' hotel room alone whilst they were out, and I decided to give my dad a ring.

'Hey, dad...' I said slowly

'Hi sweetie! How are you?'

'good, you heard about mum?'

'Yeah...And im sure she'll be fine...' He said a bit unsurely.

'Uh huh...' I whispered ''Anyway, I wanted to talk about you know coming to live with you...' I mumbled

'Ah, yes, anytime, when?'

'January sometime I was thinking, I know it's only 3months away but I need to sort things out away from people, y'know...'

'I know, and okay, look I gotta go, I'll talk later!'

'Yeah... bye...' I said glumly as I hung up, groaning lying on the sofa. I just wanted to be alone, even though I am now, I wanted to just be happy, and alone, as much as I loved Niall, I just needed the space.

I hear the hotel door open, anf=d Niall walked in, looking annoyed, besst not to ask if he's okay, cause' he'll get all weird and then it would go into to stupid argument that isn't even needed.

'Hi,; I said quietly.

'Hi,' he spat, I scoffed as I walked off to go to bed and i heard him mutter something under his breath

'What did you say?' I asked slowly

'I said, shut up?' He snapped

'Well, excuse me then, I'm just gonna hit the sofa tonight then if you're going to be like this,' I replied calmly as I could walking past him sitting on the sofa, switching on the TV.

'You know, just cause you're mums got cancer and you're being chased dont mean you can act all like some bitch.' He said harshly

'At least I'm not being an asshole,' I shrugged.

'Geez, no I'm not! You're. being. a bitch. so shut the fuck up.'

'You know what, you're being an asshole too, you're so insensitive sometimes Niall. Anyway I'm gunna crash somewhere else tonight, see you tomorrow.' I said plainly, grabbing a bag, starting to shove some clothes in there,

'Don't,' He pleaded

'Oh, so now you're acting all innocent, Niall please, just leave me be, I'll stay but please, don't, just leave me alone for a while,'

He nodded upset, and walked out the bedroom

'I'll be in the other bedroom.' He said coldly.

What had gotten into him? I wasn't being a bitch, was I?

Today, I was visting my mum in hospital, and to be honest, I was nervous about seeing her I walked through for what seemed like never ending, shiny, bright white corridors. Always perfectly clean, always that new smell to it. I finally came to the red wing, where my mum was somewhere, oh yeah, room 306 in ward 9.

It was a fair walk until I finally arrived, and she was sitting up in bed, ahppily with a cuppa.

'Hi mum!' I said smiling, she looked up, her face enlightening

'Hi sweetie!' She said, as I engulfed her in a hug.

'You feeling okay today?' I asked, pulling a chair up next to her bed

'Better, I guess...' She said smiling

'You sure...?' I asked raising an eyebrow,

'Honey, I agreed I would tell you how I reall felt, and it is how I really feel, just understand that.'

I nodded, just kind of gazing off, I dont know what about I kind of just switched the world around me off. I did that alot when I was younger. When I didn't want anyone to bother me, it allowed me time to think things through, and not to get stressed, upset.

I stayed talking to mum for about and hour before I decided id go back to Niall and see of he was any grumpier today. I sighed as I dropped the keys on the table, hotel room was quiet, so I guessed he was out.

'Well. that's a bonus.' I muttered deciding I would go to bed now. it was 6pm but I was tired, so I put on a plain long sleeved white top and some held eyed pajama bottoms. I instantly felt even more drowsy than I was before when I hit the mattress...

I woke up at about 1am to see a sleeping Niall next to me, I wasn't tired anymore so I laid there on my back just staring at the ceiling, wondering why he had been an ass latley. I tried to shrug it off but I heard him stir. he instantly draped his arm over my waist pulling me closer to him.

'Sorry,' he mumbled as he fell asleep again, I chuckled smiling as I fell asleep once again

Hi guys! I'm back from florida, sad times... but yeah I'll be updating again now!


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Niallsersnandos xxxxx

Probs won't update till next week got sooo much work to catch up on!

See you all soon xx


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