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We go back to their house and Caleb gives me a tour. Katie tells me she can't wait for me to come over for the birthday party tomorrow, and Hayley dances around and hugs me when she hears I'm babysitting with Caleb.

"Mommy don't let Caleb babysit us anymore, I want Ebony to do it from now on!" Says Annie, and Hayley agrees.

"Hey! That wasn't nice!" Says Caleb.

"Don't worry Caleb, you and I can be the dynamite baby sitting duo tomorrow!" I say. Annie and Hayley laugh and run around the house singing dynamite babysitting duo, Caleb and I sit on the couch and watch them.

"Can you give me a piggy back ride Ebony?" Asks Hayley.

"I sure can!" I say, and she climbs onto my back.

"I want one too!" Says Annie, and she climbs onto Caleb's back. We go outside and do piggyback races around the yard until it's time for lunch. We go up to the table on the deck where Katie's holding a plate of sandwiches.

"For lunch we have PB&J!" She says. PB and what?

Katie must read the confused look on my face, "are you allergic to peanuts Ebony?"

"No... but what's PB&J?" I ask. Caleb laughs, like he thinks I'm kidding. But I'm not!


"Wait, you're serious?" Caleb asks.

"Yeah... what's peanut butter? Is it like peanut flavored butter?"

"Yeah!" Says Annie, "but better!" She grabs the sandwiches and hands it to me. "Try it?" She asks. I pick one up from the plate and take a bite. It's so good. I can't help but smile.

"Wow! Why hasn't the UK come up with these? Because they're amazing!" They all cheer.

"So, you've had a good experience on your first American food culture shock?" Asks Caleb.

"Totally!" I say, and we all sit down.

"So what are your mom and Joseph doing today?" Asks Annie.

"They're going on a huge shop, and buying food for the house, some decorative pillows, picture frames, and so many other things our house needs to become a home."

"Did Caleb tell you we just moved here?" Asks Katie.

"No, you guys just moved here? Really?"

"Not really." Says Caleb, "we moved here like three years ago."

"It was a year and a half, Mr. Caleb." Says Katie.

"Mr. Caleb," laughs Hayley.

"Go clean your room Mr. Caleb!" Says Annie, everyone laughs. Once we're done with lunch, we play Heads Up on my phone. It's me and Annie against Caleb and Hayley. Annie and I win by a lot. Around 3:00, Mum texts me that she's home and she needs help putting up the new decorations. Caleb tells me I can come over at 11:00 tomorrow and I tell him I'll text him when I get the chance. I thank Katie and say goodbye to everyone, and I head up to my house.


"Hold this up there, and I'll step back here to see if it's straight," Mum says. I hold the picture frame on the wall, my arms are getting tired of doing this. It's only been an hour but it feels like a week. "So did you have fun with Caleb?" She asks.

"Yeah, Hayley and Annie are really talented gymnasts."

"Is their mum nice?"

"Yeah, her name's Katie and she's really friendly and welcoming."

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