the super blue frosting frenzy

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The sun shining through my window is too bright I roll over to my side and put my head under the pillow. I think about what I discovered last night. How will I tell Caleb I found out? I know I should get up but I'll try to put it off for as long as I can. I hear voices downstairs that let me know my family is awake but I try to block them out. My thoughts are scattered but suddenly a jolt of memory flies into my head. Hayley's birthday party. What time is it? I need to be there by 11:00. I grab my phone, it's 10:30. I see texts from Caleb saying good morning. I text him back and then get into the shower. I use my coconut milk shampoo, which smells amazing and I use my warm vanilla brown sugar body wash. I put on my bathrobe and sit at my vanity. My eyes need concealer and I apply some to them while listening to Focus by Ariana Grande. Then I add a small touch of eyeliner to my waterline and mascara. I dry my hair and put it into a side braid. I wear a pair of jean shorts and a flowy white tank top, and then put on a fake flower crown that I'm obsessed with. It adds an adorable nature element to any outfit. Then I grab a pair of flats with a floral pattern that matches the headband and slip them on. I don't put in contacts because I think my glasses look cute with the outfit. Once I'm downstairs, it's 10:55 so I text Caleb I'll be there around 11:15. Mum gives me a bowl of cereal and tea for breakfast which I eat as quick as I can and then run over to the LeBlanc's house. Hayley comes to the door like she did yesterday.

"Happy almost-birthday little miss!" I say.

"Ebony come see my drawing!" She says, I follow her into the kitchen where Annie and Caleb are both sitting.

"Hey Ebony!" They say. I smile at them.

"I made this for you," she says, holding a picture out for me. I look at it. There are three girls and a boy.

"Thank you, Hayley!" I say.

"See, it's me," she says pointing to the shortest girl with glasses. "Annie," she says pointing to the girl who's taller than her with a pony tail. "You," she say pointing to a girl who is the same height as Annie, because in reality Annie is only like an inch and a half taller than me, and she drew me with very long brown hair. "And Caleb with his arm around you like a gymnastics yesterday." She points to the tallest one in the picture, with brown hair and he has his arm wrapped around my neck. She must have seen me have a panic attack yesterday. I blush and look over to Caleb, who's blushing just as much. But I smile and thank her again, giving her a hug. It's so cute that she made it for me.

"When are your friends coming over?" I ask.

"2:30 o'clock!" She says.


"Wanna go down to my room?" Caleb asks me.

"Sure." I say and we go down stairs to his room.

"So, what's up?" He asks.

"Nothing much," I say sitting on the baseball bean bag chair. Caleb sits in the one next to me.

"Hayley's birthday party is gonna be fun, especially with you here." He says. I smile. I need to tell him I know about Bratayley.

"So Caleb, I was on my laptop yesterday and I was thinking about why Zoey would know you, so I... I looked up your name and I found..."

"Bratayley," Caleb says, looking at his feet.

"Yeah, Bratayley." I say.

"I didn't want to scare you away with telling you my family constantly took videos of me for millions of people to see. I'm sorry Ebony. I shouldn't have lied. I just saw you and I... wanted to impress you. I don't want you to think I was a freak without judging me. I can stop doing videos if you don't like it. I know it's really odd but it's actually not that bad when you get used to it, maybe you could be in some videos. Or not, if you don't want to but I mean it's all up to you and-"

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