first day of school (take two)

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hey guys!

 i really want to thank all of you for how amading and supportive you have been to me, I know i say ily guys all the time but I really, really mean it. i was thinking about it today as i was writing and i just wanna let you know, you're simply amading!

x -e


"Ebonyyyy Mum's asked me to wake you up!" Says Joey in a sing-songy voice, sitting on top of me to wake me.

"Joeyyy noooo..." I mumble. I feel plastic press against my face and open my eyes to find him trying to put my glasses on my head. I laugh and put them on myself.

"But I need to go to school soon! And you're going to your first day at the LeBlanc's today for school!" He says, bouncing slightly. Right! School! I sit up quickly, and almost knock Joey off the bed. He's way smaller than me, and similar to me, small for his age.

"Woah!" He says, gripping to the duvet to not fall.

"Sorry Joseph!" I say as he climbs back into a sitting position on my bed.

"Why's there blood on your pillow? And how did you get that cut above your eye?" He asks, eyeing my pillow. Right! I had completely forgot about that, I fell last night. Last night... I cringe when I remember how angry I got at Caleb.

"Blood? Uh, I dropped my phone on my head... Yeah. I dropped it right on my head and it was bleeding last night. Whoopsie." I lie, Joey looks at me like he doesn't believe me, but he doesn't say anything.

"Uhmmm.... okay Ebony.... Anyway, Mum's making muffins and wanted me to tell you to get up. Caleb, Annie, and Hayley are on their way over to eat with you, I gotta go to school really soon. Stupid early starting school!"

"Okay, I'll be right down," I say as I hear Mum greet somebody downstairs.

"Joeyyy! Come down, it's time for school!" Dad yells to Joey.

"Well I gotta go, love you Ebony!" He says.

"Love you Joey, tell Dad I love him also!"

"Right, bye then!"

"Bye!" I say, he runs out of my room. I get out of bed and grab my crutches, then go straight to my mirror. My hair is a bit messed up. I'm still adjusting to the length, and basically refuse to wear anything that doesn't cover most of my scar in public. I fix my pixie cut and head downstairs to find the LeBlanc kids sitting at the island having a conversation with Mum.

Caleb sees me first and we exchange a secretive smile, like we're acknowledging what happened last night. Annie follows his gaze to me, "hey Ebony!" She shouts. Hayley and Mum look over.

"Good Morning honey," says Mum as I lean my crutches against the side of the island and sit down next to Caleb. He puts an arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder and close my eyes sleepily.

"Morning Mum," I say.

"How did you sleep, Ebby?" She says as she takes the muffins out of the oven.

"I slept okay..."

"Ebony I can't wait for you to do school with us! It will be so much fun!" Exclaims Hayley.

"I know Hayley! I'm very excited also!" I say as Mum serves us our steaming hot, gigantic blueberry muffins.

"Thank you, Laura," all the LeBlanc kids say.

"Thanks Mum!" I say, she smiles at us.

"You're welcome you guys! Hey! Maybe this should be a new thing, you guys come over for breakfast and then go to your house for school!"

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