hello, LA!

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I wake up and check my phone, it's been three and a half hours. I look over to Caleb. He's asleep. I look over to Katie, Annie, and Hayley, they're all asleep also. I brush some of Caleb's loose curls out of his eyes. He looks adorable when he's asleep. His mouth is slightly open, and his head is lightly resting on my arm. I kiss his cheek lightly. His eyes flutter open and he looks up at me. Then he smiles and pulls me down to him, and we kiss. It tasted like peppermint, because we were both chewing gum as the plane took off. "Hey Eb," he says.

"Hey," I say.

"Wanna know something?"


"I love you."

"And I love you." I lean into him and inhale his scent. I don't want to let go. But soon I need to when the stewardess comes, rolling her cart of drinks. I pull away from him and hold his hand. We put our little trays down to put the cups on.

"Would you two like anything to drink?" She asks.

"Oh, I'd like some water please." I say.

"And could I have orange juice?" Asks Caleb.

"Definitely!" Says the woman and she gets us our drinks. We sip them in silence, and then once we're done Caleb puts his head on his shoulder and goes to sleep again. I get out a Teen Vogue magazine and read up on the latest trends.

Soon, the seatbelt sign dings on and the pilot's voice comes on through the loudspeakers. "We are going to be arriving in Los Angeles, California in fourteen minutes. It is currently 5:14am in Los Angeles, and 70 degrees fahrenheit. We will be landing at LAX airport"

Caleb, who is now very much awake, looks at me, "we'll be in LA in fourteen minutes!" He says.

"I know! I've never even been there! Well, I've never been to any state in America other than Maryland, so this is VERY exciting!" Caleb smiles at me and kisses me on the cheek. The plane gets closer and closer to the ground and then we touch down. I jump at the jolt that shakes through the plane, Caleb laughs and puts his hand on my shoulder. We get off the plane and automatically go to Starbucks.

"So, did you guys have a nice flight?" Asks Katie.

"Yeah, it was nice." I say.

"Mhmm, I slept for most of it." Says Caleb, looking at the menu. I lean my head on his arm tiredly.


"Did you enjoy the flight Annie?" She wipes her eyes and groans. I take it she's as tired as me, just bad at masking it. "How about you, Katie?"

"Well, I slept for a big chunk of it, so yes I did enjoy it. Thank's for asking Ebony," she says.

"Mommm can Eb and I get lattes?" I smile at him, we were talking about our love for Starbucks Chai Lattes over FaceTime.

"Sure why not? Ya'll need a bit of caffeine right now." She says, so we get out chai lattes and go to baggage claim. Then we find our taxi driver that will take us to Anaheim. He's very friendly and chatty, so I'm glad I had that caffeine or I might have fallen asleep. He wants to know everything about England. Apparently his daughter is applying for colleges and she's looking in England. After about twenty minutes of small talk, Hayley begins something called the alphabet game. It's where you look out the windows and try to find every letter in the alphabet on road signs. It ends up being really fun and everyone gets involved. Then everyone does their own thing for the remaining bit of the ride. I text my Mum and Dad that I'm safely there, and then Caleb and I talk quietly for the remaining part of the trip. Soon the taxi driver drops us off at the hotel, a grand looking building with a fountain in the front and a fancy gate around the back of it that looks like it would fence in a pool. We walk into the grand hotel, and into the checkout line. It's 7:00 in the morning, so the breakfast flow is beginning. We check in, and Katie, Caleb, Annie, and Hayley get their room key. Mum got me a separate room from them, she couldn't get one directly next to them, but I did get one that's a few rooms down. We get into the elevator and go to our floor, there are 49 floors in all, and we're 45th! We'll have such a nice view of the city. We look at the LeBlanc's room first, it's huge, like massive huge. I've never seen a hotel room quite like it. There are three full sized beds and one king sized bed, all in the same room. We go to my room next, which has a plush queen sized bed and a huge window that's taller than me looking out at Anaheim. The bathroom is giant. I reckon a small car could fit inside of the shower. Since VidCon doesn't start until tommorow, Katie says we should rest up. We agree we'll meet up at noon for lunch, and if we want food we can order it via room service. I change into clean clothes, and lay out all my outfits. I put my makeup and things like that in the bathroom and take my contacts out to replace them with glasses. I read a bit, and then sleep. When I wake up it's 11:00, so I connect my laptop to the Wifi and watch a few episodes of Glee. Soon it's 12:00, so I wait outside of the LeBlanc's room.

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