it's not worth it

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woahhhh I finally updated!!!

yeah, that's right, I'm BACK!

if you don't care about why i haven't been updating, skip all the bold text and just read the story. xD

so, i haven't been updating because I had the exchange student from Japan last week who I was hosting. and yeah, it was amazing. she was such a great friend, and we became really close! so i didn't really write on monday because that was the day she left and i spent all day moping around and crying because i missed her. (and I still do... a lot!!)

then on tuesday, i got braces and I was kinda getting used to them and all that stuff all day long, and i was really tired so i never got to writing. then yesterday, my braces HURT LIKE HELL so all i wanted to do is eat ic ecream and watch netflix... so then today in math i finished the chapter and yeah im still in math rn uploading this SUPERR SHORTT CHAPTER! so im sorry it so short i'll update the rest of it later...

so yeah, i'll try updating more regularly now, but im really behind in school from being absent so much, and on top of that i need to work on my application for a new high school next year, which is super long so i've had some things in the way of my writing, but by febuary it will probably  be all worked out... also, there will only be a few more chapters on tbnd and i'll begin a new book which will be a SEQUEL! yayyy!!! im really excited to begin writing that, but i'm terrified it won't be as successful as this one so im really worried!!

anyway, ily all!!!

x -e

"Well, well, well," says a cold voice behind me. I whip my head around and see exactly who I feared the voice belonged to: Kenzie. Standing beside her is Naomi and Connor, glaring down at me.

I stumble backward into Caleb in an attempt to run away. "Sorry," I mumble and stand tall, well as tall as I can considering I'm about half the size of the people surrounding me.

"Wow Ebony, congrats on coming out," says Kenzie.

"What?" I say.

"Wait, you're a lesbian right? I just figured because of your haircut and everything," she cackles and so does Naomi. Connor smirks.

"N-no I'm not!" I say, suddenly very self conscious. Do I look like a lesbian? Oh God. I mean, there's nothing wrong with it but I don't want people think that about me!

"Well, you look like one just to let you know."

"Uhm," I say softly, not quite knowing what to say.

"Why'd you stop coming to school?" Asks Naomi. I ignore her. "Ever since you ran into Kenzie and fell down the stairs, you haven't come back." She says, taunting me. She knows exactly why I didn't come back, and couldn't care less if I did.

"What, did you not come back because you have some fear of lockers now? Or did the doctor tell you dwarfs couldn't learn at the same level as humans?" Asks Kenzie cooly. I bite my lip and tears burn in my eyes. I focus them on the ground so she can't see, but I know she still knows what's going on.

"Shut up Kenzie," Caleb mutters.

"What did you just say to my girl?" Demands Connor.

"I told Kenzie to can it," says Caleb firmly, narrowing his eyes at Connor.

"You'll be the one to can it when I knock all your fucking teeth out." Says Connor, rolling up his sleeves and stepping toward Caleb. Caleb rolls up his sleeves and steps out of my grip. I look at him, concerned. Kenzie and Naomi and grinning.

"C'mon man, it's not worth it," says Alex, grabbing Caleb's shoulder.

"Get off me," Caleb says.

"Caleb don't do it-" I say, and I sneeze louder than I expected.

"Shut up, sneezy the dwarf," Connor says to me.

Kenzie shrieks with laughter, "sneezy the dwarf!" She snorts, trying to catch her breath. Connor looks pleased with himself. Caleb makes the first move, shoving Connor in the chest. He stumbles backwards but regains his balance quickly, then shoves Caleb harder than I expected. He almost falls, but comes back up and tries to throw a punch at Connor's arm, but misses. Connor recovers quickly from ducking down and straightens back up, then punches Caleb square in the jaw. He stumbles backward into Kurt who tries to push him back to his feel unsuccessfully and then Caleb falls hard onto his knees and collapses on the ground. I run over to him and grab his arm and shake it. Then I shake his head, his eyes are half open and unfocused. His chest is rising and falling, so I know he's not dead or anything, but he's out cold.

"Look what you did!" I scream at Connor. He just brushes his clothes off and looks pleased with himself.

"What the hell, dude," Alex says.

"You wanna go?" Connor ask Alex, stepping toward him.

"Back off," says Alex, putting his hands up incase Connor comes at him. I kneel beside Caleb and put his head in my lap. His jaw where Connor hit him is bright pink, but I don't think it's broken. His mouth is open slightly, exposing part of his top teeth. Kurt and Connor are kinda staring at Caleb and I, unsure of what to do. Alex is still glaring at Connor, but he has backed up to be closer to Alex and Kurt.

"Whatever," says Kenzie, becoming bored and walks off, Connor and Naomi close behind her. We watch them walk away, relieved they won't bother us anymore.

*there will be more tonight or tommorow*

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