"move back to australia"

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This chapter's really short but I needed to upload it ~ more coming soon (maybe tmro?!?!?)

x -e

I wake up to Like I'm Gonna Lose You, but for some reason it doesn't make me smile as much. I straighten my hair and put on shorts because I guess there's not a dress code at Carter. I drink tea and call it breakfast and the ride to school is very silent between Mum and I. I get to school and only take a few steps before I hear the word "dwarf." I look up and see one of Kenzie's little minions smirking down at me.

"Oh, um, hello," I say nervously.

"Here's the deal," she says, as we begin walking beside each other, I need to jog to keep up with her long strides. "So, at this school, people don't waltz in and think they own the place."

"I don't think I own the place," I say quickly.

"Shut the fuck up, dwarf, anyway, people don't just come in to the school and think they have everything, you're ugly, and I just thought you needed to know. You have no boobs, like none, and just... Ew. You piss me off with your little cutesy kitten I'm weak show and your cutesy Australian accent-"



"Can I go to my locker now?" I ask the girl.

"Stop talking to me!"


"Fuck you."


"Go back to kangaroo land and let one punch you in the fucking nose."

"I'm from England."

"We've been over this, I don't give a fuck. My name's Naiomi by the way, and did I mention? Fuck you." She walks off swiftly. That was the oddest conversation I've ever had. I climb up the steep stairs to my locker. The stair well is narrow, and the lockers are close to the steps. Kenzie's locker is the first one in the line of lockers and she flings her's open just as I walk up the stairs. I duck out of the way, and she smiles.

"Sorry dwarf, didn't see you there," she says, and laughs. I put in my locker combo and it works, thanks to lessons from Dad yesterday. I take out my black and white binder and agenda book and head to history.

All of the classes today are just as bad as yesterday. At lunch, I go to the bathroom and silently cry. I hate everything, and I miss summer. I long for the lazy summer days where I could just hang out with Caleb, Annie, Hayley, and Joey without a care in the world. The rest of the day is awful, and filled with comments like, "crying because you realized you don't have an ass? Well it's about time you figured out." I try to block them out but their words cut me like a sharp knife. I hate them and I hate myself.

Once it's time to go home, I'm ready to burst into tears again. In the car, I lie to mom again. I can't see Caleb tonight because he has baseball practice. I miss him so much. I need him to hold me and tell me it will be okay, but I can't. I can't tell him, I can't tell anyone. I'm not hungry for dinner, even though Mum made steak I can smell all the way from my room. I sit on my bed and watch Glee. I finish season three and get up from my bed. I walk to my bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I hate myself so much. Why can't I fit in? I've tried in two continents now, and I've been rejected in both. I slump against the wall and cry fat, silent tears.

Eventually I lay down on the floor and I guess I fell asleep, because I wake up to my alarm, Meghan Trainor singing Like I'm Gonna Lose You at 6:00am. I check my phone and find two missed FaceTimes from Caleb and several texts. I text him quickly, saying I fell asleep early because school tired me out (this isn't entirely a lie,) and get up from my bathroom floor.

I didn't shower last night, and I'm still in full makeup so I just put my hair in a high ponytail and put on some leggings with a gray top. Then I put on my flats and go downstairs. I say goodmorning to Mum, who offers me a bowl of strawberries. I eat quickly and she drives me to school. I stare out the window the entire time. It's raining, and I watch the water droplets run down the sides of the windows. We pull into the driveway of the school.

"Have a good day sweetie," she says.

"You too Mum," I say, opening the door.

"Love you!"

"Love you too." I run to the school so I don't get too wet and step inside. Today I make it five minutes without anyone saying anything from me, a personal record.

"Hey dwarf!" I look up to see Connor.

"You're chest is so flat, I'd invite you to a party to be the table for the drinks!" The guys standing behind him laugh. "Move back to Australia!" He says as he walks away, throwing a crushed disposable water bottle over his shoulder. It hits me in the arm and I walk away as quickly as I can.

I go to social studies and Kenzie makes a fool out of me yet again when I don't know some random American history fact. Connor and his friends make loud remarks about my body. Naiomi spit her gum at my feet on the way to art class. I climb the stairs to lunch on the verge of tears. I hate myself and I hate this school. I want to go up to my room and curl up in a ball. "Hey dwarf!" Says Kenzie as she's opening her locker, about to shoot an insult at me. I continue to walking as fast as I can up the flight of stairs, but as I'm about to step up to the locker hallway, her locker flies open and I'm too slow to duck out of the way.

It hits me in the temple and I stumble backwards, falling down the stairs. I try to grab on to the railing but only lose my balance more and hit my forehead on the metal pole that holds it up, and continue to fall down the stairs. I hear something crunch, which might be my ankle, because a new pain is spreading up my leg. Then I hear someone scream at the top of their lungs. Maybe it's me. White hot pain shoots up my temples and my head hits what I register to be the ground. I noise like a dying cat comes out of my mouth and then everything goes black.

----sorry to leave ya'll hanging like this!!! 

comment "eb and cae" below for the rest of the chapter tonight/tomorrow morning!!!! and remember if you enjoyed, hit that VOTE button!!!

------oh yeah, the next chapter will be in caleb's p.o.v. obviously bc eb's unconcious :/-------

ly all! -e

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