the next day

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The next day is awful. Mom doesn't make me do school. I sit in my room and watch all the Bratayley vlogs with Ebony in them and look at all the Calbony edits on Instagram. My Instagram is being bombarded with complaints as to why there was no Bratayley vlog yesterday. I'm angry at all of them. Can't I have a life outside of Bratayley? My girlfriend is in the hospital and they're complaining because we didn't post a video yesterday. Ridiculous. Then I think about it for a few minutes and go downstairs to talk to Mom. "Hey Cae, what's up?"

"Well, we didn't upload a vlog yesterday, and we're not uploading one today, so should we tell the fans what's going on? They're freaking out..."

"You know, I think that's a good idea," says Mom.

"Okay, I'll do it," I say. I sit on the couch and find a cute picture of Ebony and I type Ebony has been involved in an accident putting her in a coma and we aren't sure when she will be better, please be patient and do not expect vlogs or posts from us. Thank you, Caleb. Then I hit post and lean back on the couch. I miss Ebony so much. I try to remember our last conversation, I look at our last texts together, it was the morning before it happened.

♥Ebony♥: Heyy, i fell asleep last night sorry i didnt txt/ft u!!

Me: np eb... im glad u got some sleep

♥Ebony♥: imy cae!

Me: imy more

♥Ebony♥: i hate not seeing you everyday

Me: yesss

♥Ebony♥: ugh i dont wanna go 2 schooool

Me: i'll see u after school tho... right?!

♥Ebony♥: yes, i'll come right over

Me: promise?

♥Ebony♥: promise, i'd never skip the chance 2 hang out with u! <3

Me: good x

♥Ebony♥: xoxoxoxoxo i gotta go to school now

Me: noooo dont go

♥Ebony♥: i'm afraid i need to.... but ily

Me: ily hav a good day!

♥Ebony♥: i'll be thinking about u!

Me: see u after school prison

♥Ebony♥: hahah see u after "prison" xo

Me: love u eb, xo

I had no idea that would be the last conversation I'd have with her for a long time. I put my head on the back of the couch and then the tears come. I don't try stopping them like I have been. I'm done being brave, I'm just done. I cry my eyes out and reject a hug from Mom. After an hour, I go up to my room and shut the door. I lay in the dark, tears trickling down my cheeks. Why did it have to be Ebony? Why her? She's so tiny and well... breakable. I think of all the funny memories we've had together, like the first day we met each other. We were totally flirting with each other as I kept tipping over her tube. I remember that day so well. She was the prettiest girl I'd ever seen in my life. I remember having mental breakdowns every time I thought I did something wrong. It was so cute when she fell asleep that day, and it was even more adorable how embarrassed she was. I remember the next day, when we were watching Annie and Hayley at gym and she had the panic attack. That was the first time I held her in my arms. And our first kiss at Hayley's birthday party. Our first kiss was amazing. I knew right then and there I wanted to be with her. I absolutely loved VidCon with her, and hanging out with her over the summer made it the best one I've ever had. I miss her so much. The worst part is, I feel so alone. The person I'm longing to talk to about what happened to Ebony is well, Ebony. She'd know exactly what to do to make me feel better right now. Then I realize, I need to see her, now.

I wipe away the tears and take a few shaky breaths then run downstairs to tell Mom. "Mom, I need to go see her."

"What? Now? It's almost time for dinner."

"Please, can I go see her?"

"I guess so," she says.

"Thanks Mommy, I'll go get on my shoes."

"Alright Bubba." We drive to the hospital in silence, but we're holding hands. "Caleb, I have some errands that I need to run near here," she says as we pull in. "Would you be okay alone, or do you want me to come with you?" She asks. "But If you needed someone to be with you, I'll come no hesitation." She adds.

"I can do it on my own," I say.

"You sure?"

"Yeah," and I step out of the car. It's really nice out today, sunny and warm. I know that Ebony and I would have gone for a swim after school today. I walk up to the building and go to the ICU hall.

"I'm here to see Ebony Rose Shields, age fourteen," I say to the woman at the front desk.

"What's your relationship with the patient?" She asks, smiling softly.

"I'm her boyfriend," I say.

"Okay honey, come right back here," she says, leading me through a different hallway. She opens a door and lets me go into the room, then smiles sadly and leaves. I look around the room. There's a table and two chairs with some flowers and an attached bathroom. There's also a sink, and there's a hospital bed with machines surrounding it. It silent except the beep from of the machine every one or two seconds. I walk over and look at the beautiful sleeping girl in the bed. The first thing I notice is her hair, it's cut short, like a pixie cut and there are bandages wrapped around her head. I assume they needed to cut it so they can tend to the cut near her temple. The big mask helping her breathe has been replaced with oxygen nubbins in her nose. Her eyes are closed. The rest of her is buried in blankets. I run my index finger down the side of her face, and trace her jawline and her lips. I don't cry. I pull one of the chairs over to her and sit by her side.

"H-hey Eb, I don't know if you can hear me... But if you can I want you to know I miss you. I miss you so much. I want you to be here with me but you can't, you just can't. I'm so angry, but I don't know who to be angry at. God, I miss you so much. I miss your laugh, I miss your voice, I miss your sarcasm, I miss your correcting me every second, I miss the feeling of your hugs, I miss you fixing my hair, I miss your scent, I miss helping you when you fall, I miss texting you goodnight. I'm just so... Lonely. You... you'd know exactly what to say to me to feel better. I know you would, you just know how to put a smile on my face. You really do, Ebony. But if you could talk to me right now, I wouldn't be crying. I would be laughing with you, and we'd be swimming in the lake and-" my voice cracks, and the tears come. They're pouring down my cheeks. I try to wipe them away to keep talking to her, but I can't. "I just miss you, you're my everything." I take her hand from under the blankets, it's still cold. I try to warm it up while looking at her. She's so perfect. I'm the luckiest guy in the world. As I'm tucking her hand back under the blankets, her lips part and she gives a tiny cough.

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