1: Remebering Her

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Her touch. Her kiss. Her everything. It all came flooding back. Her presence. I missed her. Sitting in my room not satisfied with anything on tv I switched it off and grabbed a book. Opening to the first page a note. Written by her.

"Read this one. I liked it and so will you." She handed it to me and kissed my forehead before leaving.

My eyes reopened from going back to that memory. Letting out a loud sigh I threw the book across the room and made a light 'thud' on the carpet.

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through numbers. It took a while to find hers but when I did my finger hesitated, hovering over the call button. My eyes squeezed tight and I pressed call. It rang 3 times before I heard that angelic voice on the other end. My mouth opened to say something but nothing came out. What would I say? So I just said the first thing that came to mind.

"My cat ate half a rat today." I blurt out and mentally slapped myself.
"Amethyst?" Her voice was so soothing it calmed my mind. So soothing yet so destructive.
"I miss you." I said quickly and she sighed.
"Well you have to get over me because I'm not coming back. You'll have to try hard to find me." Jeez, she was so stubborn sometimes.
"For fucks sake, Ariana! Stop being so freaking stubborn and come back! I'm such a damn mess!" Yelling into the phone and tears streaming down my face, I locked the door to prevent my parents or brother from coming in.
"Fuck you! You don't know half the crap I've been through! I'm not gonna relive that just so you can see me again you selfish bitch." Ariana yelled back.

This was all I could take before I started to breathe hard. Dropping the phone I searched for my inhaler. By the time I found it under my jacket I was feeling lightheaded. Using the inhaler helped me at least unlock the door before everything went black.

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