12: Happy Heart

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The next day I dreaded going to school. It ruined the good night last night. Since we were going to the mall after school I had to wake up early so I could pick up Jack and Jessica.

"You should wear this." Jack said coming out of my closet with a black sundress, which I shook my head about.
"Come on Amethyst! You'd look cute!" Jessica encouraged and I bit my lip. "Try it." She made puppy dog eyes and I sighed while taking the dress.

Inside the bathroom I looked at myself in the mirror. It went to my knees showing off all my bruises and scars from track. There was a knock on the door and Jessica came in. She put her arms around me and set her chin on my shoulder.

"You look hot." She whispered.
"My bruises..." I trailed off.
"No one will notice because they'll be too busy thinking about how hot you are." She murmured and kissed my lips.
"Fine." I kissed her again and we left the bathroom. Jack's jaw dropped when he saw me.
"OH MY GOD! AMETHYST NOT WEARING SKINNY JEANS FOR ONCE!" Jack shrieked and pretended to pass out.

I threw my hairbrush at him and gathered my school things. We went downstairs and stopped by in the kitchen. Mom was still home which was weird but she made us breakfast. She sat at the edge of the table drinking coffee and typing on her iPad. She looked up at us and smiled. Before I left with Jessica last night I told my parents what I was going to ask her. They seemed to think she was a better choice because she didn't smoke weed or get drunk. 'A good influence' they said. Jack grabbed bacon while I grabbed pancakes. We looked at Jessica as she awkwardly took a piece of bacon.

"How were the stars last night Jessica?" Mom asked and I held back my laughter watching Jessica turn red.
"Amazing." She said and smiled at me.
"Well we have to get to school." I said hugging my mom and then dragged them to the car.

Before Jack could get into the passenger seat I pulled him back and pushed him towards the back seat. Then I opened the passenger door for Jessica. After she got in I got into the drivers seat and started to drive.

"Do you guys want to get coffee first?" I asked and they both said yeah.

Jessica and I were having our first fight over who was buying the coffee. Me being loaded because of my parents, of course I offered to pay but Jessica felt bad or something.

"Come on! You can pay for something else." Jessica put her hands on my shoulders.
"You dropped your card." When she looked down I quickly swiped my card and the barista gave me the receipt.
"I hate you." She said and flipped her hair in my face.
"No you don't." I said smiling and kissing her.
"Barf in my mouth." A voice came behind us and I turned around. It was Ariana fake gagging and Spencer, with their arms linked together.
"My pleasure honey." I winked at her and turned back around to Jessica.

We got our coffees and sat at a table near the window. I caught Jessica's hand slide into my backpack so I pulled it back out. In her hand was a $10 bill. Shaking my head I took the money and when she thought she won, I shoved it into her bra. Spencer and Ariana sat at the table behind Jessica, with Spencer facing me. Should I make her jealous? Jack seemed to know what I was thinking and shook his head. Smirking, I grabbed Jessica's hand and slowly looked at her as I kissed it. Spencer saw and looked down at her drink.

"You're so beautiful baby." I said loud enough for them to hear and tucked part of her hair behind her ear.
"Aw, you're so cute babe!" She said and leaned forward to kiss me.

We got back into my car and headed to school after we finished our coffees. Of course nothing interesting happened until lunchtime. Everything always happens at lunchtime. I was at my locker when alone when Spencer came up to me. I pretended not to notice as I grabbed my laptop from my locker and put a book in. Damn it, she was in the direction I needed to go to Jack's locker.

"Yes?" I asked while closing my door.
"You did that on purpose."
"Did what on purpose?" I started to walk to his locker and she followed me.
"This." She pulled me back and kissed me. I heard a camera snap and I looked to the right. Ariana was there with her phone. She started to run but of course I'm the best sprinter here so I caught up to her easily. I snatched the phone out of her hand. While pushing her away I deleted the photo and then proceeded to throw it in the trashcan.
"Oops, sorry." I said sarcastically and headed to the lunch room. Jack knows when I'm late I'll be in the lunchroom.

When I walked into the room I quickly found Jack and Jessica sitting together. I sat down at the table and they looked at me. "Baby, I'm so sorry. Spencer kissed me in the hall and Ariana took a picture. I think they are trying to sabotage me or something." I bit my lip and watched as she calmly turned to me.
"It's okay. I know you'll always be truthful to me so I believe you." She smiled and we hugged. She makes my heart happy.

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