3: Crushing

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The weeks went on and I continued to get to know Spencer better. Spencer was gorgeous with her strawberry blond hair and the tiny freckles that were on her nose. Her light green eyes glowed and she always had a smile on her face. She was so freaking tall! I'm like two feet shorter than her.

School was slowly but surely catching up to me. So we were sitting in my room, Spencer laying on my bed reading one of my books, me doing my book report.

"Is this note by your boyfriend? It's cute!" Spencer said raising the book with Ariana's note in it. My breathing hitched in my throat and I grabbed the book. She watched me puzzled as I clutched the book hard in my hands, knuckles going white. Then I did the unexpected and threw it out the window, hearing it crunch in the snow. I carried on with my homework in silence. Her eyes were stabbing into my back but I ignored it. Yes, we've gotten close but no, I never told her about Ariana. Ariana was a touchy subject just like her mom was hers.

We heard our parents laughing with each other. Her dad was actually a fun guy. I told my parents before hand that his wife left him so they wouldn't bring it up to avoid that whole awkward situation. They were playing Pictionary and having a blast.

Jonathan poked his head in before entering my room and jumping onto the bed next to Spencer. Spencer was used to it by now because Jon is obsessed with her. He will not leave her alone! But he knows she's gay. She's open about it to everyone. Jon knows I'm closeted so he wiggled his eyebrows at me before starting his routine of bothering her.

An hour passed and I was almost done with all my homework. Spencer and Jonathan were in a heated debate over who the best Pokemon is. They argue to the point of yelling and then start to laugh. Spencer's dad came in a little later and told her he had to go to work. His day shifts turned into night shifts so she's been staying here to not be alone.

Do I have a crush on her you may ask? Hell yes. Would I tell her that? Hello no. Jonathan knows I do because he's my best friend. He tells me anything and I do the same.

"Why don't we go to the mall?" Spencer suggested. We all agreed so we piled into my car and drove there.

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