10: 100 Meter Sprints

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Of course the gorgeous lady I'd be locking down was Spencer. Even though she smokes a lot of weed, that doesn't change my thought of her. I shuffled down the school hallway to Spencer's locker when Jack bumped hips with me. "Morning." Jack said as he threw his arm around my shoulder. I simply nodded and we continued to her locker. When we got there we saw Spencer and Ariana talking. I cleared my throat and they looked at me. I smiled and held out a rose to Spencer.

"Good morning Spencer." I smiled and hugged her.
She smiled back and smelled the rose. "It's beautiful! But what for?" She asked and placed it in her locker.
"Just wanted to make sure your morning started off sweet." She hugged me again and then looked at Jack.
"Hey Jack." They fist bumped and we continued to talk until the bell rang.

My classes were the most boring thing ever.

When it came to lunch Jack and I headed to our spot under the tree. It was the spot I chose to sit under on the first day of my freshman year. I was alone because all my friends went to the other school closer to our elementary school and I went to the one closer to my house. Jack sprinted there to hide and I immediately covered for him when seniors came by. When Jack came out of hiding he sat next to me and we hit it off. I also learned that day that he was gay because he was the most open person about it and that's why seniors were chasing him.

Freshman were sitting at the tree so we looked at each other and smirked. Then we ran at them and barked. We scared the shit straight out of them and sent them running away. In victory we sat down and shared my sandwich.

"I swear, you make the best sandwiches." Jack moaned as he took another bite.
"It's just the flavors of the food." I said and laid back against the stump.

My phone buzzed, it was a text from Spencer.

Can we hang out with you?

I quickly replied with an of course and our location. But then I saw the 'we'. And I groaned. And I apologized to Jack. He quickly finished his half of the sandwich and went on to eat my chips. They got here five minutes later and Spencer sat next to me while Ariana sat next to her.

"Spencer, I know you're new, but we're not supposed to have dogs here." He said and flipped his imaginary long hair.
Ariana and him instantly started fighting. I looked at Spencer and smiled.
"It's Taco Tuesday, wanna go over tonight?" I said and put my arm around her shoulder.
"Sorry, Ariana and I have plans. How about next week?" Did Ariana seriously make plans the whole week with her?
"Come on, mom will be happy to see you." Spencer bit her lip and shook her head.
"Fine. Go smoke weed with Spencer and get super high every day." Pulling Jack up with me we walked away and decided to go to the library.

We spent the rest of lunch in the secluded back corner behind a bookshelf in the library looking through weird magazines people left here. It ranged from People's Noses United to Naughty Girls in Milk Cartons. It's kind of like a joke for seniors because we're the only ones that know about where they are hidden. I picked up a magazine about funny celebrity photoshops and flipped through it.

"I think I know what Ariana's doing. She knows you like Spencer so she's trying to get her first!" He said throughing a magazine at me.
"That's a fair hypothesis. Shall we ask the famous one herself?" Jack shook his head.
"She'd never admit to it. Wait, am I invited to Taco Tuesday? Your mom makes the best tacos!" Laughing I nodded my head.
"Well then I'll just need to fight harder for her." Her birthday present will for sure win her over.


At track practice I was streching when the cheer team came out to practice too. Score! I watched all the girls come out in their short shorts and tanktops and then my eyes caught onto one girl. They were kind of far so I squinted my eyes and saw it was Ariana. Shaking my head I watched as she put her purple hair up and start stretching. I had to admit, she did have a nice ass. Coach pulled me up to talk to me.

"I just got word that scouts will be at Saturday's track meet. You'll need to practice very hard this week, okay?" I nodded.
"I won't let you down coach." I said and gathered everyone to run a mile.

I led everyone in the mile since I was always at the front of the group. When we finished the first lap around the football field track a girl caught up to me. She was breathing hard.

"Woah there, level your breathing. In through the nose, out through the mouth." It was silent but I heard her breathing calm down.
"I want to race you." She said and I held back a laugh.
"All right, after laps then." I said and ran faster.

When we finished the mile everone went to different areas of the track. Today I was going to spend half on my 100 meter sprints and half on the high jump. I got on the track and the girl got next to me. I cracked my neck and got into position. Once I got into the zone all noise canceled out to wait for the whistle. My vision went blurry except for the track in front of me. If you focused on how fast the others were going it could discourage you. The whistle blew and I started to run. I started to get faster and faster as I clenched my teeth determined to finish. When I got there everything went back to normal and everyone was cheering. I finished first, of course. Then it went silent because coach was staring at his timer with his jaw dropped.

"10.76! You beat your record by 1.05 seconds!" I jumped up. I was so close to setting the fastest 100 meter record.

When I looked over the whole cheer team was looking at me and I smirked. I winked at Ariana and got back into postion for someone else to race me. It went on like this for 30 more minutes but I seemed to keep getting my old score. Maybe the 10.76 was just luck. I'll have to get that time again at the meet, though. I really need scholarships to show my parents that track could get me somewhere in life. I was about to do high jumps but then I remembered I had to help set up for a rally in student council. Coach dismissed me so I ran to the locker room. Deciding to skip a shower I took my clothes off and just dried off with a towel. Then I took my clothes off I turned around to get my other clothes of the bench but they were gone. I looked up and saw Ariana holding them in her hands.

"Whatcha got there grape?" I said taking a step towards her. She took a step back.
"Hm, they seem to be your clothes." I held out my hand but she shook her head.
" May I have them please?" I asked taking another step forward. She stepped up against the locker so I got closer.
"Nah, I like the view." She said touching my abs. I forgot I was in my bra and shorts.

My face got closer to hers and she closed the space between us. As we kissed she ran a hand down my stomach and twoards my shorts. While she was distracted I started reaching towards the back of her and grabbed onto my clothes. Then I yanked them out of her hands and took a step back while smirking.

"Nice reunion." She was not going to hurt me this time. In fact, I think I hurt her judging the hurt look on her face.

Quickly putting on my clothes and shutting my locker I grabbed my bag and left her standing there in the locker room. When I got to the gym where student council was setting up the teacher greeted me. She put me on poster hanging duty since I was tall and I got to work.

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