6: Bathroom.

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I've been to the hospital more times than any other year this year. Waking up is always the worst. This time I woke up to Jon holding my hand again. I sighed and messed up his already messy hair.

"Today's been a shit day." I commented.
"Wanna know how long you've been in that coma for?" He asked.
"Hm, a week?" I guessed. That's how long it felt like.
"Two weeks." Eh, not that bad.
"It doesn't help that I ripped my stitches. Can I go home yet?" He bit his lip and then got up.
"I'll ask." He said and ran out of the room.
Now I'm sitting on the couch watching old Hannah Montana episodes while my brother tries to use a yo-yo and cursing. Spencer sat on the other side of the couch. I did not bother to look at her. It wasn't that I was mad, I just didn't want to talk to her. That's all.

She glanced at me often and started to move around. When she couldn't help it she started to speak. "Are you mad at me?"
I scoffed.
"So I didn't realize she was your ex at the time, okay? I kissed her. Boohoo." She said fully turning towards me. My eyes stayed on the tv. I couldn't miss Hannah performing.
"I'm not mad about that." I finally said. "I'm mad because you didn't help me out of the bathroom." I looked at her smirking.
Spencer shook her head and left. Jon sat next to me.
"She kissed Ariana? Damn."
Authors Note
Shoooort chapter. Sorry. I just posted the other two tonight also, and now it's 1 in the morning. New chapters coming soon.

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