8: "We're Going to Spencer's."

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Spencer kept poking me in the side with her pencil and I jerked to the other side every time. The teacher kept asking me if I was okay. It probably looked like I was having a mini seizure. After a lot of pokes I finally caught her pencil and threw it across the room at Jack. He snickered and threw the pencil at Ariana, who got so mad that she told on him.

"Jack. I am done with you being a nuisance to this class. Principals office, now." Mr. Brett said and pointed to the door.
"But-" The teacher shook his head.
"I did it." I said standing up and flipping Ariana off secretly.
"Both of you go then. I've given you guys too many chances and all you do is screw them up." He growled.
Spencer was about to stand up but I pushed her back down and left the room with Jack.

"Let's go to the mall." I said taking my keys out of my bag. "I have to get someone a birthday present."
"Let me guess-"
"Yes. Spencer's birthday is on Saturday." I cut him off and we headed to the mall.
We were in the novelty store searching for something hilarious.

"What about a penis shaped lollipop? Isn't that ironic!" He said laughing.
"Dude! Add it!" Jack threw it into my basket along with a penis shaped gift box and cake pan.
"Okay, we need two boxes of rose petals, 4 poster boards, and three presents." I listed off. I had a plan.
"Ha, I see what you're doing." He smirked and I punched him in the arm.

We walked around the mall searching for good presents as Jack rambled on again about the cabin dude. Apparently they really hit it off and now he has his number. We were walking past a handmade clothing stand and I dragged him there. There were bracelets, hoodies, beanies and other things that all caught my eye.

"Shopping for a special boy?" The old lady asked, seeing as I was looking at an oversized drug rug.
"Actually, for this girl I really like." I said looking for her favorite color in the clothing.
"Wow, she must be a keeper." She said nodding to the thin long box poking out of the novelty bag. Jack gasped and made grabby hands for it but I quickly shoved it into my purse. My face turned a bright red.
"Um, so I'll take this black and teal drug rug and these three bracelets." I said and the lady rung them up.
"So the total is $60, but since you must really like her to spend that much money, I'll lower it to $30." I gasped.
"No, it's fine. I'll just pay the $60." I said fishing out $20 bills. When I got to $30 in money she pulled it out of my hands and handed me the bag.
"I hope you the best." She smiled.

Jack dragged me to a bench and pushed me down. "How much is the bracelet?" He said. I was about to get up but he pushed me back down.
"Only $50." I mumbled.
"FIFTY!" He yelled.
"She's one of my best friends now!"
"Haha. You only spend $20 on me!" He said and looked at the bracelet.
"I might of got matching ones..." He literally dropped onto the ground.
"You're killing me Larry. Let's go find the other two presents." Jack said in a cheerful voice and yanked me into my feet.

Three hours and two trips to Starbucks later, we finally got the rest of her gifts and went home. When I walked in the door I looked around. My dad was trying to hook up a giant tv and my mom was making dinner. My dad nodded at me and I went into the kitchen to talk to my mom.

"Really? Skipping the principals office just to go to the mall?" She asked crossing her arms, looking at the bags.
"Well, I had to get birthday presents for Spencer. I'm not going to have any time this whole week to do it since I have track and student council." Jack hugged my mom and went over to my dad to help.
"Just try not to get in trouble." She said and shooed me away.

Jack and I ran up the stairs and into my room. I turned on Halsey music and jumped onto the bed. Jack flipped through my magazines and threw them at me if they weren't good. "You know, how do you stay in student council if you're so bad all the time?" He asked throwing another magazine at me. This one was about a celebrities butt implants actually being balloons filled with rice. Who comes up with these things?
"They don't really care about what you do unless your suspended. You just gotta show up and do shit sometimes." I said getting up and answering my ringing phone.

"Hey. Come over?" Spencer said. There was music playing in the background and laughter.
"Can Jack come?" I asked and shot Jack a glare. He threw a magazine at me.
"Uh, sure." She said and hung up.

"Get up Jack. We're going to Spencer's."

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