17: Two Can Play at this Game

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In the morning, Brad, Jon, and I sat at the dining room table brainstorming how to get back at Ariana. Brad wanted to do something to get her arrested. She did damage personal property, but I didn't like the idea of giving her a felony. So we thought of classic pranks. Jon suggested we sneak into her room and each take a shit in different places, which honestly was the only good idea we had so far. Our parents came downstairs and went into the kitchen. The three of us looked at each other, and I led them to my room.

"Well, you have me here for a week. Got some time off from the base to visit before I get sent off to Japan." Jon and I's eyes went wide.

"JAPAN?!" We both yelled at him.

"Oh yeah, forgot to tell y'all. When I get back to the base, I pack my things up and hop on the next plane to Kadena Air Force base. I'm guessing I'll be there for at least six months. If you guys want to visit, I can get y'all tickets out there. Jessica too." Wow, my brother is the coolest dude alive.

"We are definitely visiting." Was all I said. Then I laid back on my bed and closed my eyes.

When I reopened them, Jon and Brad has diabolical looks on their faces. I knew they had a plan. We separated to get ready for the day, and met back at the car. We went to the store and bought vaseline, eggs, and paint, and at the pet store we got crickets and some feeder mice. Ariana was going to wish she never came for my neck. After this prank, I don't think Spencer would even look at me again. Her dad still loves me, whenever we are both in our frontyards he always asks when I'm going to come over again. He misses me. Probably more than Spencer, if she even misses me.

On the ride over to Ariana's house, Jon knocked out in the back seat and Brad and I were chatting. "So what actually happened between you and Spencer? Do you miss her? Do you still like her?" I rearranged my grip on the steering wheel and adjusted my position in my seat.

"Ever since Ariana came back, Spencer and I just grew apart drastically. I feel like if Ariana never showed up, I would be with Spencer right now. I don't think I could like her anymore after she tried to help Ariana sabotage me. I honestly do miss her, though." He nodded his head and squeezed my hand.

"Hopefully this drives Ariana out of town." We stopped in front of Ariana's little house. When she moved back, she moved back into the same house she used to live in. Therefore I knew which window led to her room. I pulled a little trick on her window that we used to always use to get it open, and it slid open with ease. Jon used the vaseline to slime the doorknob and the floor. I was randomly chucking eggs around on her walls, her dresser, inside her closet, you name it. Brad had the paint and was painting on her walls. He was painting mini dicks, bad words, things in those general themes. When we were finished with our tasks, we came back out of the window and gently let the mice and crickets make themselves at home in her room. This was so evil, but honestly, she really deserves it, right?

The last order of business was to stake out in the car at a perfect spot where you could see her window. The plan would go like this, she comes home, too distracted to notice anything in her room until she closes the door behind her. Then, mice and crickets start running up on her, she tries to run but the floor is way to slippery, and finally she won't be able to open her door again because that thing is too slippery too! Revenge is sweet, but it also is  a bitch.

It took a while for Ariana to get home. We realized it was because she goes to Soul Cycle an hour away from us on the weekends. But when she returned, I threw Brad's feet off the dash and slapped Jon awake. We watched with building anticipation. And as soon, as we knew it, she was sprinting right back outside, a nest of mice right on her tail. It was so funny Brad was tearing up. I was hunched over the steering wheel laughing when I put my head down and accidentally honked. I screamed as she looked over, threw the car into drive, and sped off. Two can play at this game, and it looked like I would reign victorious. 

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