4: Running

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We ended up at the giant shopping mall an hour away. The first stop we made was at the food court. Jon insisted we all get food. Then we went down the shops, going into a few and buying things. An hour later we decided to see a scary movie. It was this movie about Santa going bad and murdering people who didn't believe in him.

Spencer sat in the middle of me and Jon. The movie started and it slowly getting creepy. A boy in the movie gets in trouble at Christmas dinner so his parents don't let him open presents. It all goes downhill from there. During this really creepy part of the movie the boy is walking down the hall. A hand slipped into mine. I looked at Spencer and she smiled at me. Then we continued to watch the movie, her hand crushing mine at scary parts.

After the movie we were back in my car driving home. Jon was asleep in the back while I was driving with Spencer next to me, our hands still linked together.

"I've never asked about your boyfriend. Did he write that note in the book?" Letting out a breath I squeezed the steering wheel with my free hand.
"My ex wrote that note. They left me while they decided to run away and never want to be found." Hey, I'm not lying if I say "they" instead of a gender!
"Wow, he was stupid for leaving you! You're a keeper." She whispered the last part and gave my hand a light squeeze. My cheeks warmed up.

When we got home I gently pushed Spencer awake and slapped Jonathan awake. Spencer didn't budge but Jon yelped. Sighing we got out of the car and I went to Spencer's door. Picking her up bridal style, I proceeded to carry her inside. Her arms draped over my neck and I could hear her breathing sending chills down my spine. It was a pain carrying her up the stairs carefully so when I got to my room, she giggled. Was she really faking it?!

"Of course you were faking it." Before I could throw her on the bed she put her hand on my cheek and kissed me. A thousand tingles shot through me and I pulled back shocked. There was hurt and shock in her eyes when I put her down and got out of there.

My legs took me outside around to the side where my room was. I dug through the freezing snow with my numb hands and found the book, soaked. Then I ran to my car and started to drive. My phone wouldn't stop ringing as I sped through the empty roads. I glanced at it and noticed it was Jon calling. When my eyes met the road again a giant semi was heading straight for my truck. Before I hit the truck I yanked the steering wheel to the right and swerved off the road, hitting a tree. My head slammed in the door and it went black.

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