15: Run Away

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My phone binged. I ignored and kept painting. It binged again. And again. I stopped and picked it up. Multiple notifications kept pouring down my phone. My eyes caught one word that kept popping up: whore. I slid my phone open and it instantly went to a social media app. My picture was all over it. Jessica tried to look at my phone but I turned away. Bradley was next in trying to see but I shoved him away and got in my car. Before they could stop me I drove away.

I felt numb. My foot just kept pressing harder and harder on the gas pedal. I was sure where I was going but I just kept driving. After a while of speeding, which surprisingly I didn't get caught for, I was on the freeway. I left my phone and bag at Jessica's so I didn't have anything. My foot finally started to ease off the pedal and I stopped swerving through cars. I let out a breath I was holding in for a while and blinked multiple times. I needed to get away.

After driving for about an hour, I pulled into a gas station and searched my car. All I could find was ten bucks, a gas card, and some gum. Thank the gods for the gas card at least.

I filled my tank and looked around at the signs. Somewhere quiet. Someone was staring at me, I could feel it. I turned to see a guy about my age filling up his truck. He smiled at me and I nodded back.

"Why are you crying?" He offered me some of his energy drink but I shook my head.

"I am not crying." I touched my cheek and surely enough, I was crying.

His tank was full so he shut the latch and walked over. He pulled out a handkerchief and wiped my tears away. "I'm Jason." He offered.

"Amethyst." We fist bumped. "How's the town?" He grinned and leaned against my car.

"Small. Good for runaway teenagers. What chased you here?" I bit my lip and looked at my keys.

"I'm happy it didn't spread to here. Point me in the direction." He pointed west down the road so I got in my car.

"Wait! Can I at least have your number?" I laughed and turned my car on.

"It's gone. You'll see me around town. Hopefully." I pulled away and sped down the road.

It was a modern town with a couple of old buildings. There wasn't going to be a place that would let me stay for the night for $10. I did find a 24 hour diner. It was only 5 PM, so I drove around town to check it out. There was a market, houses, a car wash, a university, the list goes on. Maybe I could get some college kids to sneak me in their dorm. At the stop sign I was at checking the school out, there was a knock on my window. It was Jason. He hopped into my car and threw his bag in the back. I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Drive around to the student parking lot D. My dorms there." I followed his directions and ended up in a small room with two guys staring at me.

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