2: New Neighbor

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Waking up in the hospital was normal for me. My brother was siting in the chair holding my hand while my parents where probably in the food court. Jonathan smiled at me when I looked at him and I returned the smile. The usual head pounding that came with the passing out was there.

"What time is it Jon?" I asked sitting up.
"5. You've been out for an hour." I nodded and took my phone from the side table. "Mom knows you called Ariana. She was screaming your name into the phone." Shaking my head I looked at my phone.

About 20 texts from her asking if I was okay and what happened. Running my hand through my hair I replied back. 'Passed out from an anxiety attack.' Then put my phone down.

My dad came in with his clipboard. He's a doctor. "Amethyst you need to stop calling her for a while. You're mental health is not that great right now. I'll have to prescribe a therapist." He scribbled on his clipboard. You would've thought I had one by now. But I protested it so much I didn't get one.
When we got home from the hospital I went straight back up to my room. Leaving the door wide open I jumped onto my bed and read a book. Just as I was getting to the good part my mom yelled from the kitchen.

"New neighbors are moving in! Go see if they need help Amethyst!" She yelled.

Sighing because I had nothing better to do, I pulled on my Converse and went down to meet them.

A middle aged man was carrying a box so I went up to him first. When he saw me he set the box down and smiled.

"Hello, I'm Amethyst." I said sticking my hand out.
"Hello Amethyst, I'm George, your new neighbor. Nice to meet you." We shook hands.
"Do you need help carrying anything in?" He nodded.
"You can go help my daughter Spencer bring the headboards in." George said pointing to the truck.

Jogging up to the truck a girl was struggling to even get on side of the board out. I grabbed the other side and helped her lift it. She looked grateful to see me. Then our eyes caught. She was gorgeous!

"I'm your neighbor Amethyst." I said and smiled.
"I'm Spencer, but I think my dad already told you." She said nodding her head at him smiling at us.

We continued to talk as we carried stuff in. I told her about the high school and how we were on winter break and she told me about how it was never cold where she lived in Texas.

After we got everything inside Spencer invited me to hang out in her room. The walls were dark red and everything she had matched the color. Her comforter was dark red and her sheets black. My room was the way opposite. Everything was miss matched in mine. I sat on her bed while she started to decorate her room. Once in a while she's stop and show me stuff. Like pictures of her as a kid or a cool hat or something.

"So where's your mom?" I asked and she froze. That's probably a really touchy part of her life.
"She left us when I was 3." Spencer said and carried on like I didn't ask anything touchy.
"Oh. So did you leave a boyfriend in Texas?" Might as well change the subject.
"Well, kind of. My girlfriend and I broke up before I moved here. We decided that it would be too hard to have a long distance relationship." Girlfriend!
"Are you-"
"Gay? Yeah." Good thing she cut me off, because I'd be too awkward to finish.
"Does your dad know?" She chuckled.
"Known since I was born. I kissed a girl in 1st grade right in front of him at the park."

My phone buzzed notifying me of a text from my mom. She said dinner was ready so I said I had to go and left her house.

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