5: Visiting

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I woke up to faint crying. Ariana was sitting next to me holding my hand. When I looked over her eyes lit up and she kissed me. The kiss gave me a jolt. Then she pulled back roughly and glared at me. Her face got bigger and she bared fangs. Her hand raised up and revealed giant claws. It took a swoop at my temple and ripped the skin there.

My body jolted up but the horrible pain slicing through my head threw me back down. I was drenched in sweat and breathing hard. The doctor rushed in with my mother at his side. He checks the monitor and then looked at me.

"Patients don't usually wake up from comas like that." He then said to my mother.
"What were you doing driving that late at night! Jon almost broke my door down and then told me you ran out?" I groaned and tried to turn on my side away from her but my side gutted too much. I pulled back the blanket and there was a giant bandage on it.
"The seatbelt got lodged in your side so we had to surgically remove it." The doctor commented quietly as my mother kept yelling at me.

It suddenly went silent as Ariana came into the room. She looked way different from the last time I saw her. Her long blond hair was now purple. She was more tan. She smiled at me and I groaned again, putting my hand over my eyes.

"Enough with the dreams." I mumbled and my mom pinched me. "OW!"
"You're not dreaming." She said and left the room with the doctor.
"Miss me?" Ariana asked sitting in the chair next to me.
"I wish I never met you." I said and decided to stare out the window.
"Do you know how hard it is everyday? How many anxiety attacks I have to avoid and how much medication I'm prescribed?" I was now looking at her directly her watery eyes.
"I didn't mean for it to happen-"
"Ari?" Spencer's voice came from the doorway. Ariana slowly turned around.
"Spencer?" They stared at each other.
"Get a room." I finally ignored the pain and got up to go to the bathroom. Right when my foot touched the floor I got dizzy and started to fall. Spencer ran over and put her arm lightly around my waist to steady me. "Bathroom." I said grunting as she helped me to the bathroom. After she made sure I could handle myself she left the bathroom and closed the door.

I really didn't have to pee so I just sat there to get away from all this drama.

Okay, so I the last thing I remember was Spencer kissing me and I ramming a car into a tree. Wow, Ariana messed me up pretty good and she just reopened a newly closed wound by showing up. And then Spencer knows her? I wonder how.

I found out when I leaned on the door and fell into the room to catch them kissing. When I fell there was a loud rip! And pain shooting from my waist. So I probably ripped my stitches open. I don't know what was worse, ripped my stitches apart or seeing the girl I liked kissing the girl I loved. Both were at my sides screaming for the doctor. I just closed my eyes. There was a ringing in my ears and all I wanted to do was sleep.

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