14: 2nd Base

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If Jessica didn't get suspended for punching Spencer, she'd totally get suspended for this if we got caught. It was the last period of the day and PE was out running. That meant the locker room was empty and we skipped class. I was currently pinned up against the locker by Jessica and our shirts were off. Lets just say things were getting steamy.

"Gosh, you look so hot in a sports bra." She growled and kissed me harder.

We continued to kiss until we heard the door open and two girls laughing. I quickly pulled Jessica to my locker and pretended to give her stuff. The laughs came closer but stopped in the row behind ours. There was a slam and moans. Jessica and I tried to contain our laughs. After a few minutes I peaked my head into the next row and saw Ariana with a random girl. Even though I knew I was done with her I couldn't help but be hurt.

We quickly pulled out shirts on and escaped the locker room. Right when we left the locker room the PE bell rang. That meant there was only five minutes till the last period was over. I grabbed my beautiful girlfriends hand and led her to my car. Jack had to stay an hour longer for practice so he was just going to get a ride from one of his teammates.

"Why don't we have a picnic at the beach on Saturday? I'll pick you up at 1." I said swinging our entwined hands back and forth.

"Sounds nice to me." She smiled.

After dropping Jessica off at her house I went to the shopping center to get some things for Saturday. First I went into a soap and bath store and got a bath bomb for when we went back to my house. Then I went to a small shop and got a blanket and towels. Next I headed to the market and got some food and drinks for us. Do I need anything else?

I walked up and down the aisles thinking of things I could get. When nothing popped into my mind I went to the cashier to pay. As I pulled my card out something hit my white vans. My head snapped to the left to see Ariana smirking with an open jar of black paint. I didn't even have to look down to see what she did.

"Hey you're gonna pay for that." The grumpy cashier growled at her and gave me my receipt.

Saying nothing I grabbed the bags and left. Right after I slapped her and flipped her off. Then I kicked my shoes off in the parking lot and drove away. My phone rang. The caller was Jessica so I answered it.

"Hey ba-"

"That damn bitch egged my house!" She yelled.

"Who did?"

"Ariana! Who else? Her names written in black paint on the white walls!" Clenching my jaw I turned off the road to my house and got on the one to Jessica's.

"I'm coming over." I hung up and called up someone I haven't called in a few months.

Hopefully he'd answer because he said to call if someone messed with me.

"Hola, is there a problema with my baby sister?" A deep voice rumbled through my speakers.

"Yup. Think you could drive down for a little bit of revenge?" Jessica came over to my parked car but I held up my index finger signaling to give me a minute.

"Totally! Just don't tell mom and dad. Text me the address and I'll be there in about four hours." I hung up and texted him the address before getting out to hug Jessica.

When I looked up as I was walking towards the house I stopped dead in my tracks. There wasn't just Ariana's name on her house. There were multiple things. And some pictures. Of me. Without clothes. My face turned bright red as I turned to look at Jessica. There was a tear in her eye but she just walked over to the wall and started taking them down.

"Should I call my parents?" Her voice wavered and broke my heart.

"No, my brothers almost here. We'll clean it up baby." I replied as I started taking my pictures down. These were so long ago, did she keep them?

Almost an hour later a motorcycle was heard coming down the street and I smirked. Bradley was here. He drove onto her driveway and parked. Then he took off his helmet revealing his more defined face than when I saw him a year ago.

"Brad! You finally hit puberty!" I joked while jumping into his arms.

"Screw you freak. This must be your girly friend." He grinned and walked over to her. "If you hurt my baby sister I will do nothing to you because I don't hit girls but don't think you'll survive high school after I'm done with you." Jessica flinched when he stuck his hand out for her to shake. His face was only inches away from her. Gee, he really knew how to scare the shit out of someone.

"Alright big foot, stop preying on young girls and help us clean these walls." I said throwing a brush at his back which he caught singlehandedly.

With five hours of hard work, you could achieve anything. But we didn't achieve getting these walls clean. They looked the same way from when we started. We were all just laying on the lawn now.

"I should order pizza." Jessica said and sat up with her phone.

"Order me a cheese pizza." Bradley said going to his bike. "I'm gonna go get some white paint." He hopped on and sped off.

After she ordered she came back over and laid on top of me. I brushed the hair out of her face and put my arms around her. She smiled and kissed my nose. Before I knew it, she rolled us around so I was on top of her now. Slowly I leaned down and kissed her softly. She returned the gesture and our lips started to move faster with our tongues coming in at one point to battle. It continued like this until we heard someone clear their throat. I just propped myself up on my elbows and looked up to see Brad.

"Watching my little sister make it with a girl is so weird. I got the paint." Brushes came flying at my face but I ducked in time, sending my face into Jessica's chest. It was surprisingly soft.

"Wow, already at 2nd base." I smirked and she pushed me off.

"Just shut up and get to painting." Another brush flew at me but this time it slapped me right in the cheek.

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