9: Running from Drunk Girls

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As soon as I knocked I was pulled in with Jack behind me. Everything was a blur as I was pulled into Spencer's room. Jack was thrown on the bed beside me.

Spencer straddled me and giggled. "Hey cutie." The smell of alcohol was strong in her breath.
"Spencer you're drunk." I said looking at Jack. He was getting straddled by a girl and he sure as hell didn't like it.
"Amethyst. Help. Me." Jack said through clenched teeth. I nodded and turned my attention back to Spencer. Her hand somehow got under my shirt onto my hips.
"Spencer. You are drunk." I said but she still didn't listen. Her cold hands started to slide up but I grabbed them and pulled them away. "Not when your drunk." I said and stood up, making sure she got moved to the side of the bed.
"You're no fun." She pouted.

A smell kicked in. A weird smell. A familiar smell. An herbal smell. She's high too!? I saw the ashtray on her bedside table and shook my head. So that's new. She smokes weed. And a lot, because there's like 20 crushed ones on the ashtray. No wonder she's always coming to my house instead of hers.

Sighing I picked the girl off Jack and gently threw her next to Spencer.

"Run." Jack said and we sprinted to the front door making sure to lock it once we got outside.

The doorknob jiggled and make Jack jump. Can drunk high people unlock doors? Jack was thinking the same thing as we locked eyes and started to run to my house. When we got in I shut the door and locked it. We were breathing hard as we sunk to the floor.

"Are the cops after you guys? I heard your feet pounding on the street from the kitchen." My dad asked coming out of the kitchen with water bottles and threw them at us.
"More like neighbors." I commented after taking a sip of water. There was a knock at the door. I gulped before looking through the peephole. There was an eye staring right back at me.

Taking a deep breath I dragged Jack up and we went into my room. We heard my dad answer the door. Then we heard the door closed and I let a breath out. Before Jack unlocked my door I held a finger up and counted. One pair of footsteps. A few seconds later, I heard a creak in the floorboards. That doesn't happen unless your trying not to be heard. I learned that the hard way.

"Floorboards." I mouthed to Jack and he nodded. The door nob quietly jiggled and we held our breaths. I motioned to the window and we walked silently and swiftly. Propping up the window I let him go first and then started to get out myself. As long as my dad doesn't use the unlock trick- The lock unlocked. How ironic. I pushed myself out faster making sure to grab my one of my sneak out bags, yes I have multiple for different occasions, and then followed Jack off the side of the roof. We jumped off and rolled like trained acrobats and started sprinting to my car. I sped off through the streets to his mansion.

"Guess we're staying at my house for the night." Jack said while texting on his phone.
"Wait, why are we running away from drunk girls?" I asked while drinking water.
"Because it's the highlight of my month." We laughed and turned up the radio.


"Hey mom." I said passing by Jack's mom in the dining room on the way to his room.
"How are you sweetie?" She looked up from her laptop and smiled at me.
"I'm good and yourself?"
"Same old same old." She laughed and I entered Jack's room.

He seemed to have gotten into my bag and was using my black nail polish. Shaking my head I laid on my stomach across from him on the floor and helped paint his nails. When they were done I nodded in approval of my work.

"You should try acrylics some time Jacky." I said while painting an alien in white on his middle finger.
"Yeah, and for sure make coach kick me off the team." As he talked his fingers would shake and I hit his hand.
"What about in the off season. No! How about after graduation!" I said and set his hands in front of my fan.
"Let's make a bet then." He said and smirked at me. "You lock down one of the gorgeous ladies that like you for some reason as your girlfriend and I'll wear acrylics during graduation and for two months." I pondered the thought as I put my nail polish stuff back in my bag. It would look amazing and hilarious when he gets his diploma.
"Deal." We shook on it and decided to watch a movie.

Author's Note
Ok so I said Monday and then I forgot so I'm posting it today. Sorry! There's a lot happening this week because schools almost over so we have to finish stuff and take finals. After next week, I'll be going on a trip so I'll probably right another chapter on the plane. Expect two new chapters between tomorrow and June 3.

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