20: Love?

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I opened my eyes and was quickly reminded of last night. Spencer hadn't woken up yet, so I carefully slid my panties back on and sat at the edge of my bed with my phone. Jack ended up hooking up with Paul, and Paul ended up spending the night at his house. I never texted Jack back last night because I was... busy. I swallowed hard before I texted Jack.

jack... i may have tripped and landed on my pussy on spencer's face.

He replied back almost immediately.

OMG! YOU HOE!!! i can't believe you cheated on jessica... but who didn't see that coming. ;P

The bed shifted and I turned to see Spencer throw a hand over her face. Then she opened her eyes and saw me in my undies. She closed her eyes for a second before sitting up quickly. The blanket slid down revealing her nude torso. She covered her mouth and looked at me with wide eyes.

"Bitch... we hooked up." She said, laying back down with her arms behind her head. Spencer looked so sexy, even when she had just waken up. And then there's me, who probably looked like a rat that had fallen into the dryer.

"It looks that way..." I trailed off, putting my bra on.

"Why are you putting your clothes on so quick. Come lay down." She frowned and held her arms out.

"Spencer, I just cheated on my girlfriend. This was a huge mistake! You seduced me!" I took my sock from the ground and chucked it at her.

"Well, it happened. And don't tell me you didn't want it. If you really didn't, we wouldn't be naked right now." She had a point. I couldn't blame this on her.

"What am I going to do! Jessica is on a trip with no service and I just cheated on her!" I laid back on the bed and Spencer started to play with my hair.

"Break up with her... I won't say anything about last night if you don't. And boom, we had amazing sex and you are free from a dying relationship without her hating you." I sighed and covered my eyes with my arm.

"I can't not tell her Spencer. This was such a horrible decision. It was amazing, but I would've felt better if this was AFTER my break-up!" I started to beat her with the sock I threw at her.

"Do you have feelings for me?" Spencer asked, grabbing my arm to stop me from further sock beating.

I paused and looked her in the eyes. They were full of love and hope. "I do. That's what sucks! You were bad to me Spencer. And now I just fucked you and I think I'm in love with you!" I yelled. Spencer pulled me into her and I sunk my face into her chest.

I started to cry. This is bad. I am such a horrible person. Jessica would never forgive me. She is such a wholesome person who deserves the world, and her girlfriend just cheated on her. Everyone knows I despise cheaters, but now I'm one myself. I don't deserve anything but a tortured eternity. Spencer and I laid like that for an hour until I slowly brought my head back up.

"I can't progress with anything until Jessica comes back in a week. And after enjoying probably the best trip she's experienced, I'm going to ruin her. I was supposed to go with her too!" I rolled off of Spencer.

"Baby, there's nothing you can do right now."

"Don't call me that, it makes it worse."

"Well you are going to be with me after everything, so I think I have the right-"

"Shut up! I am still Jessica's girlfriend! You don't have the right to shit right now!" I got up and pulled my clothes on, leaving with only my phone. I'll get the shoes and the bag later.


When I got inside my house, dad was banging the remote on the coffee table. I face-planted into the other couch and sighed. I heard him put the remote down and shift in his recliner. Before he could ask, I blurted out, "I just cheated on Jessica. I think you know who it was with." I heard him chuckle. Then I heard the footrest click back into the chair. I turned so I could see him. He pushed his glasses up on his nose.

"Well... it is what it is. You can't go back and fix it now. You have to take responsibility." I glared at him. I already knew that. "Hey, I'm not the one complaining to her father about how she messed up big time." I sighed and softened my face. "Back in the 90s when I was a teenager, I cheated on my girlfriend with your mother. Your mother felt worse than I did, but we were actually in love. And when I told my girlfriend, she left without a word and never talked to me again. When I would see her at school, her friends would flip me off and she wouldn't even look at me. At first, it felt wrong to be with your mother, but I truly did love her and I felt better. It's a shitty thing what you and I did, but like me, you need to get over it. I know you love Spencer, and the way Spencer looks at you, she loves you too." I nodded my head. He was in the same boat as me, but he was right. I did a bad thing, but that shouldn't keep me from being with the one I am truly in love with.

I went up to my room and FaceTimed Spencer. She still didn't have a shirt on, but her beautiful blonde hair covered her chest. She gave me a small smile and walked to the kitchen. "I'm making waffles. Care to come back and talk?" I nodded and hung up, running upstairs to freshen up.

I washed away the sins from last night and changed into simple jeans and a black shirt. I slid on some slippers and jogged over to Spencer's house. Without knocking, I walked back into her house and met her in the kitchen. There were two plates of waffles prepared on the counter, accented by butter and syrup. She was sitting already, so I sat down in the chair next to her.
"I overstepped way too far, I'm sorry Amethyst. You should have all the time you need to process everything, and I shouldn't assume you'll just leave Jessica and be with me right away. Do what feels right, and I'll wait for you. If you choose me..." She trailed off, pushing one of the plates closer to me. It was so sweet of her to genuinely apologize and admit what she did wrong in order to correct herself.

"Spencer, I think I love you." I said quickly before I could think. It just felt right to say, and I could feel the real connection between us become tighter than ever.
Spencer wrapped her arm around me and pulled me closer to her. There was a big smile on her face as she said, "I love you too."

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