7: F*** You Jack

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School started back up and I was in first period with my best friend Jack. Jack ranted on and on about a guy he did in a cabin. I zoned out and thought about what happened to Ariana. Did she disappear again? The answer to that question was no, because right when the bell rang, in came Batman. Just kidding, it was Ariana. She smiled at me and the teacher told her to sit next to me. Jack gasped and grabbed my hand. I shrugged and stayed staring forward.

The teacher ranted about a group project and then let us get together to decide. Jack glared at Ariana while she stared at him with a bored look. I sighed and started to do research on the assigned topic. We had to create an essay on how water bottles could decide the fate of humanity. Our teacher really tries to make it interesting but fails.

"Will you guys just cut the shit and start working like the bitch partners you are." I growled after 20 minutes of researching on my own.
"It's not my fault that Ariana is asking for attention." Jack said and opened his laptop.
"Excuse me! What have I even done to ask for attention?" She leaned over me to get into his face.
"Puh-lease! Coming in right at the bell, your hair as purple as a grape, kissing another girls crush!" I slammed my laptop closed and left the room, ignoring my teachers call's after me.

I decided to go to the prop room and sit in the giant throne that faces the wall. It's better than listening to arguing. I reopened my laptop and decided to play pinball. It got out of hand and a few minutes later I was cussing at my laptop.  What a good way to start school back up. Bailing my first class to play pinball. What am I doing with my life.

I jumped 20 feet up in the air when someone cleared their throat beside me. It was Spencer. She smiled and handed me a cookie. "You missed second period. It's brunch." She said sitting next to me.
"I'll stay here until school ends." She shook her head.
"Nope, you're going to history with me."
"And what if I don't." I mumbled as our faces got closer.
"Then I'll have to carry you." She whispered as our lips grazed.

The door flung open and my name was called. I sighed and stood up to see Ariana standing there. "Jack told me you might be here. Lets go to history?" She held her hand out and I bit my lip. "Nope, I'll just stay here." My hand went on the chair as I was about to sit down but she grabbed my arm, the chair tilting to reveal a very red Spencer.

"Oh." Ariana awkwardly said as we all looked at each other. I warily looked at Spencer as she hid her face with her hands.
"Yeah. I was kind of busy, so if you could just go and let me finish." I said and felt extremely bad after. But she can't just show up out of nowhere and expect me to fall into her arms or some shit. The hurt literally flashed in her eyes as she quickly walked out shutting the door behind her.

I sighed and sat back down, putting my head in my hands. What kind of person was I turning into? Spencer put her hand on my back but I didn't feel any different.

"What if I made her cry?" My muffled voice came out after 10 minutes of silence.
"How many times has she made you cry?" Silence. "Exactly. So who cares, let's go to history." She said and helped me up.

I started walking to the door but was pulled backs and her lips crashed onto mine. We kissed for a hot second before the door opened and we quickly pulled away. Jack grinned at me.

"Fuck you Jack. Lets go." I grabbed both of their hands and walked at full speed to beat the late bell.

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