11: The Tree of New Beginnings

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It's been weeks since I've talked to Spencer and I guess I was okay with it. I've actually been talking to this girl in track named Jessica.

Jessica was taller than me and amazing at the high jump. She had black hair and always wore shorts with plain colored shirts. We started talking when she helped me fix my jumping position. Jack approved of her immediately because she was nice but could be sassy when she wanted to.

"Amethyst, what ever happened to the stuff you got Spencer for her birthday?" Jack asked me while picking through his chicken salad.
"Hm, I don't remember. They're probably in my closet somewhere." I said while doing my math homework.

Someone sat next to me so I looked over and smiled to see Jessica. She placed a cookie on my homework and a cookie in Jack's salad.

"F-ck, you're an amazing human being." I said and kissed her cheek before attacking the cookie. Jack appeared to be staring at someone so I looked where he was looking. There was a guy I've never seen before laughing with a group of guys. I turned back to Jack.
"3 facts. Go." I said.
"Name is Danny. Transferred from Colorado. Senior like us." I nodded.
"He gay?" Jack shrugged and ate his cookie.
"You guys are an amazing pair." Jessica said and took out a sandwich.
I laughed and playfully punched Jack in the shoulder.

For the rest of lunch we just talked and ate and laughed until the bell rang.

"See you at practice?" I nodded and kissed her cheek before walking with Jack to class.

"You're tacos are the freakin bomb momma." Jack said to my mom as we ate tacos.
"I agree, thank you for inviting me to eat this holyness." Jessica commented.
"The tacos were alright." I said and they both gasped. "I'm joking, they're always amazing mom."
"You kids always make me happy." Mom said and patted Jack's arm.

When we finished we headed up to my room. I laid on my stomach on the floor while Jack sat across from me and Jessica laid next to me.

"I don't understand how girls can wear bras all the time." Jack commented as he held my nice black bra up to his chest.
"And if you ruin my nice lace bra, I will rip your throat out." His eyes widened and he put it back in my drawer fast.
"I bet you look nice in it." Jessica whispered and bit her lip.
"You could be the judge of that." I whispered back and held her hand.
"And I could throw up right now." Jack commented as she laughed and looked down.

I glared at Jack and he flashed me a wicked smile. His phone rang so he got up and left to answer it. It was probably his dad with serious business. After a minute he said he had to go and left. The time was 9. Perfect. I got up and silently pulled Jessica with me. We went to my car, my newly fixed car, and I started driving. She remained silent which was good I guess, unless she thinks I'm kidnapping her or something. I looked over and smirked.

"Do you trust me?" I asked and took her hand.
"Yes." She replied and squeezed my hand.

By the time I got to the place it was 9:30. I got out and opened her door for her. Then I got the blanket from the backseat and led her to the tree. I laid the blanket down and we laid down. We looked at the stars in silence until I spoke up.

"So, this is my tree. The tree where I started. The tree of new beginnings. And I want this to be a new beginning." I rolled onto my side to look at her. "Jessica, will you be my girlfriend?" I smiled and kissed her hand.
"Yes." She whispered and kissed me.

Author's Note
I thought this was really cute. I'm freaking out right now. I was going to use this part later on but it is what it is, I guess. I also know this was a short chapter but I didn't want to ruin the cuteness. I'm not sure if I'll be able to post a third chapter before I leave, but I'll try. Also, 1.1K VIEWS!!!! THAT IS CRAZY! I love reading your comments and I just learned how to reply. Thanks for voting.

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