13: Punching Girlfriends

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Spencer's POV
For some reason Ariana wanted to get payback on Amethyst. After had an hour of useless arguing she won and we were going to do this. We were going to blackmail her. Well, it did make me angry that the hoe Jessica somehow got her to fall. And it hurt when Amethyst talked about the weed part. So what? I have a weed addiction. Dad doesn't care, he's not even home half of the time.

"Are you ready for this?" Ariana asked as she got her phone and looked around the corner at the end of the hall.
"No. Last time I kissed her she panicked and drove away, crashing her car into a tree." I said biting my lip and Ariana looked at me.
"I really did mess her up. Let's mess her up some more then!" Nodding I stood against the locker waiting for Ariana's cue.

She signaled me and I walked around the corner to Amethyst's locker. I could tell she saw me but wasn't budging. She took her stuff out as I stood there.

"Yes?" She turned to me but looked past me.
"You did that on purpose." I referred to making me jealous.
"Did what on purpose?" She smirked.
"This." I put my hand on the back of her neck and pulled her into a kiss.

I heard the phone make a camera click sound as Amethyst pushed me away and started to chase Ariana. She literally got 8 feet before Amethyst caught her and got the phone. I waited until she threw the phone into the trashcan to go to Ariana.

"That bitch! Now my phone is covered in ketchup! But... she forgot to check the recently deleted folder!" Shaking my head I took her phone and looked at the picture. I had to admit, we looked pretty cute. "We'll post it when we sit at lunch. And I'll send it to everyone." She took my hand and dragged me to the lunchroom.
Everybody's phone went off at the same time. When they saw it people either looked at me or her. I watched as Jessica looked at it and turned to her. Making sure everyone was looking at her, she kissed Amethyst. People started whistling. A guy stood up and yelled," Are you gonna take that Spencer?" Everyone went "Yeah!!!" And I nodded. They wanted a fight.

Ariana pushed me up and I tried to sit down but she pushed me over to Amethyst's table. Then she took my hand and threw it at Jessica. Jessica ducked and got up. I raised my fists up and looked at her uneasy. "You shouldn't try to pick fights with a basketball and track star."

"This isn't a good idea Jess." Amethyst tried and got up along with Jack. She put her arm on Jessica's shoulder and kissed her cheek. This made me mad and before I knew it, Jessica's head snapped to the side. My fist was in a lot of pain. I just punched her! Her head slowly turned back to me. Her fist went straight into my face and I flew onto the ground. The principal came up and started yelling at us.

Jessica and I ended up in the principals office. The principal was shaking her head at me. "You're a very amazing academic student Spencer. This is very disappointing. I have to suspend you for a week. As for you Jessica, I'll count this as self defense but because you punched her, two day detention with Ms.Scott. Go back to class now. You're suspension will start today Spencer, so sign yourself out." Jessica and I got up but she brushed past me making me stumble.
While walking home a guy walked up next to me. "My grandmother could punch better." He said. I turned to look at him and realized it was Danny Sinatra, a popular guy known for his insane boxing skills.

"Yeah well, I've never punched someone in my life. It hurt like a bitch, I think I sprained my hand." I raised my hand which displayed purple knuckles. He took it into his own hands and examined it.

"Well, you broke your thumb because you tucked it into your fist when you punched. Always keep it on side like this." He demonstrated and I winced.

"I'm not ready to even move my thumb, I'll probably wait for my dad to come home tomorrow night to go to the hospital. Ice will work for now." Danny stopped me.

"We can take my bike." His hand pointed back to wear a motorcycle was sitting.

I laughed and shook my head."Nope."

"Cmon. Get on my damn bike so I can take you to the hospital." He smiled and my hand really hurt, so why not.
By the time we got to the hospital, my good hand had a death grip on Danny's jacket. While laughing he pulled me off the bike and led me into the emergency room.

I sat while he got the paperwork so I decided to look around and boy, was that a bad idea. There was a man with a bandage around his hand and in his good hand was a cup. Probably a finger. A woman was frantically looking around while her son sat calmly next to her with a fishhook in his lip. I gulped and looked at my hands.

"Okay just fill these out." Danny said and sat down, giving me the papers. I scribbled in al the information and gave it to him. He took it to the desk and sat back down.

"So I can't even have a chance with you?" He whispered and I looked over to see him grinning.
"I'm so gay that you'd have to melt me to make me straight again." His arm went around my shoulder.
"Well then we can just be best friends and pick up girls together. Just don't kiss any of them with girlfriends." I punched his arm with my good hand and he laughed.
"Best friends sounds good to me." Was all I could say before the nurse called my name.

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