The Savior

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*Alex's POV*

I sat on the bed as Roman rumaged through the dressers, packing clothes. I thought about what would happen to me once we were gone. What will he do to me, will I ever be found, and other things that wouldn't help me stay calm. I glanced at the clock to see that it was noon. We weren't leaving until night time so it would be easier to sneak me around. I thought about trying to make a r8un for it once we were outside, screaming for help, but Roman quickly killed that thought.

"You don't mind your mouth being duct taped, do you?" He said and smirked. I felt a large knot in my throat as he winked. "Gotta make sure you don't try anything when we leave later. Don't worry though. I'll make it up to you once we get to our destination," he said and let his eyes trail down my body. I felt as if I were going to be sick any moment by the thought of him trying with me in such a way. Water filled my eyes and I quickly cleared my throat. I chose not to respond to him and keep quiet.

I felt his hand creep up my side and his disgusting lips touch my cheek. I felt gross. His lips inched closer to mine and I quickly pulled my head back. I gave him an uneasy smile hoping that he wouldn't get mad at me. Thankfully he just sighed a walked away.

I've given up on life. There's no hope for me.

*Anthony's POV*

I was waiting for Nicks to call me about Alex. He said he should have word around 2:00 but I couldn't wait any longer. I missed Alex. F*ck it, I thought and grabbed my keys and dashed to my car. I hopped in and sped off to Roman's hoping to catch a glimpse of Alex.

I parked my car a couple houses away making sure he wouldn't notice me. I sat there for a good 30 minutes before a car pulled up into his driveway. His garage door opened and the car disappeared inside. I sat up in my seat to get a better view. I know that's not Roman's car so it couldn't be him.

Just as the garage door was opening Jake's car sped into the driveway, blocking the car from going anywhere. A very distressed Jake jumped out of the car and started to yell.

"F*CK YOU, YOU PIECE OF SH!T! YOU SCUM BAG! SHE'S DEAD! SHE'S GONE!" he screamed as he kicked the tires of the other car. My heart dropped into my stomach and I felt myself getting sick. He couldn't be talking about Alex...could he?

Roman got out of the car and grabbed Jake by the throat "get the f*ck out of my way!" He spat as he shoved Jake back. Staggering, Jake caught himself and threw a quick right hook to Roman's jaw.

Just as Roman lifted his arm, the car door swung open as a small girl rolled out of the backseat. But it wasn't just any was my girl.

My heart swelled at the sight of her. Before I could think she got herself up and started to run. I quickly hopped out of my car and ran towards her.

"HEY!!!" Roman called and her feet moved faster. Roman turned to run after her but Jake tackled him.

"ALEX!" I managed to yell and her head whipped around and her beautiful eyes met mine for the first time in weeks. Words could not express the relief I felt as I quickly grabbed her and held her tight. Her small frame pressed against my body as I felt her warm tears soak into my shirt. I pulled back to wipe her tears and noticed the duct tape around her mouth. Rage filled my body as I looked at the cuts and bruises splattered everywhere on her.

"SOMEBODY CALL THE POLICE!" Jake's screech pulled me back to reality as I realized I needed to get Alex away. I scooped her up and ran to my car, placing her in the passenger seat before getting in and speeding away. I dialed 911 as I drove. Once I was connected I quickly explained what had just taken place.

"Yes, I have the missing girl n-" a car slammed into the front of my car, causing my head to slam into the steering wheel. I felt a warm liquid running down my face as I looked over to Alex who had managed to free herself from the rope and duct tape. She was screaming something but I couldn't make out what she was saying before my eyes closed and darkness washed over me.

*Alex's POV*

I screamed as the car smashed into us. Thankfully I brought my hands to the dashboard, preventing me from smashing my face against it. Anthony, however, wasn't so lucky. His face was covered in blood and I couldn't contain my screams as his eyes slowly closed.

Why me? What did I do so horribly wrong for such awful things to continue to take place in my life? Before I could continue with my thoughts, sirens were played everywhere. I felt myself being dragged out of the car and I grabbed the seat, not wanting to leave Anthony.

"Ma'am please, we have to get you to safety!" The voice of the paramedic rang through my ears as another quickly pulled Anthony out. I let go and was quickly taken to the ambulance. They sat me down and strapped an oxygen mask to my face. I ignored their words as my eyes frantically searched for Anthony. I looked to see that a cop car had crashed into us before seeing Anthony being rolled into a different ambulance.

*Nicks POV*

Just as he was about to end my life, our radios went off.

"Alexandria James has been located on the corner of Patrick and Glading. We need Nicks and Peters there now" it called and before I knew it, Peters was gone in the squad car. I grabbed my radio and reported Peters. This son of a b!tch is done.



I know, I know. I'm so horrible but I had A LOT of stuff going on and there was no time at all to write. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me.

Excuse my horrid writing as well and all my grammatical errors, I'm a little rusty because, like I said, its been like a year. Please comment or vote or both but if you don't I understand because I did abandon you guys /: I'll try to update as much as possible and thank you for waiting. You guys are beyond amazing. I mean, look at all these votes! Again, I'm sorry for my crap writing x.x I will improve!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2013 ⏰

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