Come At Me Bro!

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I was sitting in 2nd period with my head down, hood up, and ear phones in, ignoring the outside world. I have this old lady as my history teacher and since I started a week late I get to sit in the very back, which she can neither see or hear. I was listening to Never Shout Never when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked up to see Roman smiling down at me. Creepy.

"Yes?" I asked as I took out one head phone.

"I know we got off on a rough start yesterday so I was wondering if you wanted to start over?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Sure" I said casually and he smirked.

"What are you listening to?" He asked and sat next to me. I handed him an ear phone and he put it in his ear. He furrowed his eyebrows and scruntched up his nose.

"Don't like?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"Nah, I don't do the rock/pop or indie, whatever you call it" He said and I laughed.

"What, would you rather listen to some Mac Miller?" I asked sarcastically and he nodded.

"Yep!" He grinned and we laughed. I'm open to all types of music so my iPod consists of every genre there is...except country, I can't do country. I scrolled through my iPod and stopped at a Mac Miller song.

"Better?" I joked and he nodded.

"Way better" He stated and I rolled my eyes playfully. We were listening to Senior Skip Day when he started to sing along.

"Suppose to be in class but I ain't go
And let's chill on the couch
See what's on the telly
Where we won't leave house
Can ya stay a while
Can ya stay a while
Cause girl I'm feelin lazy and I'm tryna hang around
Ain't tryna get out of my bed till noon
Neighbors smell the perfume smoke in my room
And I got the door closed can't be sure though
Amsterdam weed spending euro's
Get the herb rolled
Let's relax
Take your shoes off and kick it back
We escaped the world
Escaped the stress
But I don't give a fuck if the house a mess
Cause we gonna handle that later
We gonna handle that later
Right now let's get that paper and smile for all them haters"

He was pretty good, he had a nice voice. We both started laughing. The bell rang and everyone sprung up from their seats and headed out the door.

"What class do you have next?" He asked "I'll walk you" He offered and I shook my head.

"You don't have to, I can get to class on my own" I teased and he rolled his eyes with a smile playing on his lips.

"Well what class do you have?" He urged.

"Health class with Ms. Joyce," I said. I was so happy to hear that this school didn't have P.E. Since it's a charter school, they don't believe physical education is as important as the other subjects therefore there is no P.E.

"That's on the way to my next class" He said and we headed towards my next class.

We chatted the whole way there and he's pretty funny, cocky, but funny. I said bye to him and made my way into class. I saw Anthony in the back, using his pencils to drum on his desk.

"Hello, you must be the new student, Alexandria James?" Said a tall woman, maybe late twenties, with dirty blonde hair and warm smile.

"Yeah, call me Alex though" I said and glanced at Anthony to see him beaming at me.

"Okay, welcome to my health class. Class should start soon so take a seat. I'm sorry that all the seats in the front are taken so you'll have to sit over there," She pointed to the back row where Anthony was sitting. I smiled and nodded before taking a seat next to Anthony.

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