Don't Know What You Have Until It's Gone

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A/N: *MUST READ*! I was thinking about it and decided to cut the last part out of the last chapter and put it in the beginning of this chapter instead. I think skipping 3 weeks like that was stupid of me and I apologize. Soooo! I edited the last chapter so that it fills you in about the 3 weeks. I'M SO SORRY! So, you might wanna go back and read it ._. I feel retarded...well, ENJOY!!!

It's been three weeks. Yep, that's right, three whole weeks. Andrew's club is almost finished, Grandma should be back in another week or two and Anthony and I are stil a sorta-kinda couple. I want to change that so badly and it's really, REALLY starting to annoy me that we still aren't offcial but we act like any other couple. I don't see what the difference would be if we did become a couple but I sure as hell know it would make me a lot happier.

During these three weeks I've also learned that I love Anthony. I can't help the way I miss him when he's not around, or the way my heart races when he's near. My newfound love for him is making it harder to stay like this. It's breaking my heart.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Anthony asked and I shook my head.

"Nothing" I said. We were walking in the park, holding hands. Before he could say anything an old lady came up to us. But it wasn't just any old lady. It was Joyce.

"Oh hello, Alex!" He greeted and hugged me tightly. "Your grandma wanted me to check on you! I was just on my way, but look at you! You look fine to me and oh my! Look at this handsome young man! You two are just the cutest thing!" She gushed. I smiled at her. "What a cute couple! The two of you look adorable together" she said. She kept going on and on about how good we looked together and I couldn't help but frown.

"Actually, Joyce, we're not together" I cut in. Anthony gave me a questioning look and she frowned.

"No? Well, either way you two are the cutest! I've got to go, I'll tell your grandmother you're doing just fine. Bye bye" she said and hugged me again. I continued to walk as we were before she stopped us but Anthony grabbed my hand.

"What was that?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Well we aren't" I said and continued to walk. I usually never said anything when people complimented us as a couple but I'm getting tired of it. I thought we'd be official by now but we still aren't. It's been 3 and a half weeks of this 'sorta-kind dating' sh*t and I'm annoyed. Each day I find myself falling for him more and more and each day we stay exactly in the same place. Not moving forward, not moving backwards. Just staying the same. And it kills me. It kills me to think that I can't actually claim him. Ashley throws that in my face everyday and I'm losing confidence that he even wants to be with me.

"What's wrong?" He asked and caught up to me.

"Nothing's wrong" I said as we neared my house. Andrew's car wasn't here meaning he was at his club.

"You're lying" he said and I shrugged.

"How would you know?"

"Alex, what's wrong?" He said more forcefully and pulled me closer to him before I could reach my door.

"Nothing is wrong" I repeated and glared at him.

"Something is obviously wrong, Alex, just tell me" he said and I pulled back and walked into my house. He followed me into the house and closed the door behind him. I walked into my room and sat on my bed. He entered my room seconds later looking just as irritated as me.

"What's wrong with you? You were fine like 5 minutes ago and now you're pissed off!" He exclaimed and I glared at him.

"I was fine? You know that because you can read my mind right? You know me so well" I snapped and he shook his head in disbelief.

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