We've Got a Clue

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*Alex's POV*

I woke to the sound of two voices arguing.

"I don't know, Roman. Anthony is getting suspicious. And the police are involved! I can't go to jail! Who's gonna take care of my mom!? I don't think I can do this any-" what sounded like Jake's rambling was cut off by Roman.

"Listen to me, Jake" he spat "you're going to do this and you're not gonna say a fucking word to the cops or I'll make sure your mother doesn't get anything so you can watch die a slow and very VERY painful dead" the hate behind his words disgusted me.

"Fuck you Roman" Jake replied and I heard his footsteps becoming softer and softer.

"Hey!" Roman shouted and I heard a crash. I jumped up from the bed and pressed my ear against the door.

"Get the fuck off me!" Jake struggled to yell.

"You're not gonna say anything! Got that!?" Roman yelled.

"Alright! Let me go!"

After that I couldn't hear much except for footsteps and a door closing. I knew Roman would come back to the room so I quickly jumped in bed and pretended to sleep. I heard the door open slowly and Roman walk in. He sighed and I heard him rustling around.

"I need sleep" he mumbled to himself. You need help! I thought to myself as I felt the bed dip and a disgusting arm find its way to my waist. "Everyone wants to keep us apart. But I won't let them destroy us. Our love will last forever" he whispered and his lips pressed against my head. I involuntarily flintched. Mentally cursing myself, I froze.

"Sweetheart? You awake?" He asked but I didn't respond. "Don't worry...I won't bite." He whispered into my ear and I immediately shot up like a rocket.

"Don't touch me!" I screetched. His eyes widened and a synical smile spread across his monsterous face.

"So you are up" he replied. "Come back to bed, Love" he ordered and patted the spot where I laid seconds ago.

"I'd rather die" I spat angrily and his face turned into a scowl. Within a matter of second his hands were wrapped around my neck and air was becoming very hard to get.

"Don't say such things, Alex. If you really want that then keep it up. I'll make sure it's surely painful." He threatened and all I could do was try to breathe as I pulled on his hands, trying to get them away. He pushed me back and let go of my neck sending me flying across the room. My back slammed against the wall as I gasped for air. He glared at me as I coughed and choked trying to get the air flowing through my lungs again.

"Get back in bed" he said in a dangerously low voice. When I didn't move he marched over to me and scooped me up.

"PUT ME DOWN!" I demanded but he ignored me.

"To the basement you go. It's time you learn to do as I say. I've babied you too much, my Dear," Roman said calmly and my ja dropped.

"BABIED ME!? SAY THAT TO MY BRUISED FACE, YOU DIRTY BASTARD!" I screamed and balled my fists up. "I HATE YOU!" I chanted and slammed my fists against his chest.

"I advise you to stop" Roman growled but I kept at it. I put all my might into each blow and much to my dismay it did nothing. Suddenly we were in front of the basement door and I was dropped onto the ground. Roman grabbed the door knob and I tried to be slick and make a run for it but that plan was quickly ruin.

"I don't think so" Roman cooed and stomped on my hand. I let out a yelp and hissed in pain. "You're not going anywhere" He said and twisted his foot making a crushing sound as pain shot through my hand.

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