Our Love

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*Anthony's POV*

I lay in my bed and stared at my ceiling. Every time Alex starts to get maybe even a little close to me, Farah comes and ruins it. I'm done with Farah. She's part of the past and what I felt for her is nothing compared to what I feel for Alex. If I think about it, Farah and I weren't meant for each other. She cares about her image too much. Alex could care less what people think about her. Farah didn't like going to my practices; Alex loves them and even wanted the first band tee. Not that we're going to have any because, let's face it, we don't even have a name.

After I left school I hung out with the guys for a little bit but even they couldn't take my mind off of Alex. I need to show her that I really do love her. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. God I miss her. It hasn't even been 4 days yet. I'm the only one home at the moment. Mom, and Dad are on a anniversary vacation and Dylan is...I don't know. Most likely at his friend's house.

My eyes wandered to my balacony and I could see Alex's room. Ever since we "broke up" she's kept her curtain closed. I feel horrible when I see her. She looks so sad and tired. I don't blame her. She's even blew up on a couple of people.

The sound of pounding on my front door pulled me out of my thoughts. I glanced at the clock to see that is was 11:00 pm. The pounding became more frantic as I took my time getting to the door. I opened the door to reveal a distressed Andrew.

His hair was sticking up in every direction looking like he's tried to rip his hair out. His red rimmed eyes were watery as a panicked look spread across his face.

"Do you know where Alex is!?" He asked quickly and my face dropped and my stomach sunk.

"No...why? What happened?" I demanded.

"She hasn't came home! She won't answer her phone; it goes straight to voicemail! I'm worried about her. She's been so depressed, I shouldn't have made her go to school. What if she's harmed herself!? You have to help me!" He rambled and a knot formed in my throat. Alex's sad face popped into my mind. If she hurt herself I'll never forgive myself! I grabbed my keys and jacket.

"Did you call the police?"

"Not yet" he frowned. "I'm a horrible brother" he muttered and dropped to the floor.

"No! Get up, she's probably fine. We'll find her. Just call the police, now!" I didn't need him to buckle. I needed to believe she was fine. She is fine. "I'll start looking for her. Go call them and call me to tell me what they said" I told him and jumped into my car.

I sped down the road to the clubhouse. Hopefully she's there. My tires screatched as I stopped in front of the house. I jumped out and rushed into the house. I stopped when I found Matt and Josh in an intense make out session. Matt instantly jumped back and I stood there awkwardly.


"IS ALEX HERE!?" I interupted and Josh looked confused before shaking his head. I cursed and clentched my teeth. "When's the last time you saw her?"

"Yesterday" Josh said. "What's going on?"

"Alex is missing! I have to find her" I yelled and turned back around. I chose to ignore the fact that I walked in on my best friend making out with another guy and focused on Alex.

"I'm going with you!" Josh yelled.

"No time." I said and jumped into my car.

*Andrew's POV*

"Unforetunately, it hasn't been long enough for me to file a missing person's report but based on the given information she mightve ran back to California. Call your father and make sure she hasn't turned up there, besides, you have to tell them anyway." The officer said and I nodded sadly.

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