Missing Alex

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*Andrew's POV*

I stood at the airport entrance waiting for my father. I sighed and ran my hands threw my hair. No sign of Alex at all, there's now a missing person's report on her since it has now been three days. My hands fiddled with my keys as I stood there nervously. I haven't seen him in years and now I see him because I've lost my little sister. That doesn't matter though, Alex is gone and it's all my fault. I'm the one who's supposed to care for her and I didn't. She was a wreck and I didn't do enough.

"Andrew" my father's stern voice pulled me out of my thoughts. His hair that was previously black was now mixed with gray and wrinkles formed on his face. I gave a sad smile and extended my hand. He smiled back and gripped my hand but pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry, dad" I muttered and tried to restrain myself from breaking. He pulled away and patted me on the back, tears starting to form in his eyes as well.

"We'll find her, son. Don't worry." He assured me and I prayed that he was right.

*Alex's POV*

I sat curled up in the corner rocking myself back and forth. Fear ran through me as Roman paced the room, fuming. I didn't know why he was so mad but I sure as hell knew that I didn't want to be any where near him and the bruise on my face was a reminder. The tears fell from my eyes and all I wanted to do was be with my mom. My dad. My brother. My grandmother! I just want to escape.

"Listen!" He snapped and I jumped at the sound of his mennacing voice. "Stop crying, please?" His whole body changed to a soft, caring manner. His mood changes so quickly; one minute he's angry and the next he pretends to care about me.

I stayed silent as he stared at me with pleading eyes. Is he serious? I wanted to scoff and spit in his face but the terror of his violent being restrained me. He reached forward to take my hands but I flinched back, hitting my back on the wall. He sighed and sat down in front of me.

"Sweetheart," he cooed "everything will be much easier if you just cooperate with me." He said and brushed the hair out of my face letting his hand linger on my cheek. I squeezed my eyes shut and mentally stabbed his dirty hand repeatedly hoping that he would some how feel it and stop touching me.

"Please go away" I said so quietly that I could barely hear myself. I can't even recognize my own voice. The life and joy in me is long gone and replaced with emptiness and terror.

"C'mon, get up," he said gently but I knew what was behind that voice. I made no effort to move and stayed pressed into the corner. "Alex, get up" he commanded and a wimper escaped my lips. "Jake should be here soon, I have to go to school. You're going to the basement because I can't trust that you'll stay here like a good girl" he said and smiled wickedly.

The doorbell rang and he pulled me up roughly. I hissed from the tightness of his grip on my wrists. I heard the door open and a dirty blonde head appear as I was escorted out of Roman's room.

"Jesus Christ, Roman! Everyone's looking for her!" Jake whisper/yelled. Roman simply rolled his eyes and shook his head. My mouth dropped and I couldn't believe that he knew what Roman was doing. How can these two guys be so sick!?

"They won't know anything." Roman said carelessly. "Take her to the basement and make sure the door is locked. Got it?" He ordered. I gaped at his as Jake grabbed my wrists and guided me towards the steps. Roman's figure disappeared and I clung to Jake.

"Jake! Jake, please! Get me out of here! Please!" I begged and his face remained emotionless. "Jake! You have to help me get out of here! Please! You're not some sick bastard like Roman! You have to let me go!"

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